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Everything posted by titi__x

  1. Version 1.0.0


    quests from lvl 5 to 10 (elwynn forest). highly recommend: get addon Quest-Omatic (thx to colderpotato) auto accept and finish quests. You need to enable selling or buy bags. search radius: 40 attack before being attacked. make goldshire your home and get some food. important: not tested, i can't afford key (its so annoying to run bot with trial key). if you need some help or you find any bug let me know! also if you need 1 to 5 profile.
  2. hello, are you planning to continue your profiles to lvl 80 ?
  3. pnj: Garde Thomas id=261 queteid=35
  4. its works fine just skip one quest that's all, plz feed back so i can continue next profie.
  5. Version 1.0.1


    do all quests in start zone "except quest=3905 to avoid being stuck" then continue to goldshire.
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