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Everything posted by Rickster

  1. I'm not sure of the effort involved, but it would be nice if there was some way to script an update for minor patches like this? I suspect that it is something along the lines of the offsets needing to be re-generated. If that were the case, a tool that allows users to generate them as need would be a big help. I suspect that Droidz is on the other side of the world from me and likely in bed at this hour.
  2. Its been 9 hours according to the timestamp. Raid is starting, and no update.
  3. I have been trying to find a way to interrupt my focus target if they try to cast a certain spell by name? Thanks!
  4. Is there a way to turn off pet resurrection when feigning death? Doing so breaks feign death obviously...and that's bad Thanks!
  5. Rickster

    Training Dummies

    Correct, and that is how I have it set. The issue (I think) is that training dummies are not hostile by default, they are neutral. You can attack them, and the rotation starts and continues as expected after you attack them. The issue is that I cannot use them for testing AOE rotations were I have set "hostile unit near target" conditions because it will not detect numerous hostiles because they are neutral by default. If it could just treat all dummies as hostile, the issue would dis-appear? I hope that makes sense? Thanks!
  6. Rickster

    Training Dummies

    It would be really nice if there was a way to treat training dummies as hostile targets. I send a lot of time testing new Fight Classes against dummies and I need to set the product settings to: Attack all selected targets (friends also) to on And Launch rotation when combat starts to off in order to test. Also AOE testing on dummies does not work with my rotations because I use the "Hostile Unit near Target" condition to swap back and forth automatically between single, multi with high priority targets and multi target rotations Thanks!
  7. It does not, I confirmed this on my druid. I developed this as a LUA condition to resolve it: ==================================== local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime = UnitBuff("player", "Savage Roar") if not expirationTime then retVal = 1 else timeLeft = (expirationTime - GetTime()) or 0 if timeLeft < 5 then retVal = 1 else retVal = 0 end end ==================================== This returns 1 when no Savage Roar buff, or it is about to expire (within 5 seconds) other wise it returns 0 return value var = retVal return value research = 1
  8. Woot! TY. I am about to run some heroics, I'll report back... EDIT: Works great now!
  9. ^ Same here... Please at least respond to this issue???
  10. Guldan LFR
  11. Could it be that the underlying code is using an long integer somewhere that tracks the targets health? And exceeds the 2147483647 max value for C#? https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/296az74e.aspx Perhaps initializing the var with UInt32 instead of int32? All speculation on my part... https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x0sksh43.aspx
  12. OK, just ran 2 wings and Guldan in LFR. It looks like the rotation will not start until the Boss reaches 2,140,000,000 health. That is as close as I could get watching the numbers roll down anyway. Botanist = 2194M health - didn't start until a few seconds after pulling (saw it start right around 2140M) Guldan - same thing (not sure what his starting health is) Star Auger = 2140M health - started right away, but I remember having to wait in heroic last week (and the weeks before) All the other bosses I tried started below 2140M and I had no trouble with any of them.
  13. wlhr, that is correct. I will try to make a list of NH bosses this does not work on on my next raid night. I have attached my FightClass profile for reference ricks_BM-legion.xml
  14. That coincides with my 66% estimate. That is about the time P2 always started for us. Just another data point, I'm am a ranged class (BM hunter) and I use health percent conditions in my FightClass profile
  15. Guldan for sure. I just got out of our Heroic Guild run. It starts working after he reaches 66% health for some reason. I noticed the same thing with some other bosses in NH, after they lose a certain amount of helth, or the fight reaches a certain point Wrotation starts working normally again. Adds are not a problem...
  16. I have found that in the new Nighthold instance that some bosses (not all) Wrotation will not start until you enter the 2nd phase of the fight. Bosses include: Star Augur Etraeus Elisande Guldan, and one more that I can't remember? The issue is that once combat starts, Wrotation just does nothing. I have to manually do my rotation until the 2 phase hits (this seems to be the only consistent thing that relates to all scenarios) then the rotation starts working as normal. Anyone else having this issue? Ranged DPS class (BM hunter) and I have tried "attack all selected targets" and "launch rotation when combat starts" options with no effect... Thanks!
  17. I thought it would be nice to have a new conditional added. Focus health percent. As a feral druid, it would be nice to be able to focus your tank and cast rebirth if dead? Thanks
  18. Also, something you can do to replicate the issue easily. Go to the tower outside your garrison, and attack the damage dummy. The first shot fires, but then the target turns neutral and the rotation stops. This doesn't happen on the tanking dummy FWIW. I don't seem to have this issue with my feral druid, just my hunter. Digging and experimenting further, it looks like having "Launch rotation when combat starts" is the issue?
  19. I am having the same issue. I have also tried the same things as mentioned above. ricks_MM.xml
  20. Using "is Spell Useable" was not always triggering as it should, the ultimate solution is to use "is Spell Overlayed" in conjunction with "casting Spell Name" in the conditionals. ========= Conditionals ========= is spell overlayed: Kill Shot, True casting spell name: Cobra Shot, true ============================= That in addition to the LUA spell entries above: SpellStopCasting();SpellStopCasting();CastSpellByName("Kill Shot"); It is working great! Thanks again, Rick
  21. Now we're cookin with gasoline! SpellStopCasting(); SpellStopCasting(); CastSpellByName("Kill Shot"); Did the trick! Thanks
  22. Except that hunters can now move and cast... Rick
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