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Posts posted by NvD

  1. Thanks Droidz, it worked :), here is how I did it (it will try multiple times to destroy the portals since its destroyed before i cast :)

    var path = new List<Vector3>() {
        new Vector3(721.8674, 5322.935, 57.19053, "None"),
        new Vector3(613.8378, 5530.022, 54.96337, "None"),
        new Vector3(587.8415, 5304.021, 45.30553, "None"),
        new Vector3(496.2509, 5307.273, 60.94893, "None"),
    for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
        if (GoToTask.ToPosition(path))
                        Logging.Write("reach point #" + i);
                        ClickOnTerrain.Pulse(new Vector3(path));
    return true;

  2. If believe you want something like this, to set up in Schedule page:

    - gather - foxflower profile - 20 min

    - gather - starlight rose profile - 20 min

    - grinder - dreamleaf profile - 20 min

    I want also something like this.

    At the moment in Schedule.xml file we have only the product name and not the actual file that will be used:



    Dont think we can achieve this using relogger, any advice anyone?

  3. Hey all,

    Anyone have a solution on how to make this quest work. Unwelcome Visitors 42160  - part 1?


    Felblaze Portals destroyed (4)

    I have tried to use the below, but its not working


    SpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(new WoWPoint(724.7518, 5318.563, 57.52559));

    The main issue is the even when the ExtraActionButton1 is pressed, is not used on portal (portal cannot be selected in game), but the green circle is showed on screen

  4. hey all,

    I want to create a customer profile to kill some mobs, but i want to kill only a specific number of mobs and for a limit time (if possible) then log out / exit bot or game.

    I have create a custom profile to kill the mobs, but i dont know how to update .cs file to kill only a specific number of mobs.

    Can anyone help please ? :)




  5. also, i found out that i need to use gatherer since the item id http://www.wowhead.com/item=35123/microfilm is dropping and i have to loot them

    any suggestions on how to achieve this?


    quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11728/lupus-pupus

    item from quest (that needs to be used 1st): http://www.wowhead.com/item=35121/wolf-bait

    item that needs to be garthere from mob (after few seconds): http://www.wowhead.com/object=187981/wolf-droppings (when you open this you get http://www.wowhead.com/item=35123/microfilm)


    and i need 8 of these :D so it needs to be something that repeats. never used If statements, any tutorials for this? :)

  6. Hello All,

    Anyone can help me out with this:

    - problem: i am trying to make a quest and i need to use an item *from quest" but i have two problems:

    1 - the below uses the item (from quest) but is not working all the time (i believe worked once after i have dismounted first)

    2 - the below kills the target (and shouldn't)

    What i have used:


    if (ObjectManager.Target.IsValid && !ObjectManager.Target.IsAlive)


    simple quest with InteractWithNPC



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