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  1. check if Npc Shannox is not null, if not null run out
  2. Thanks, I'll test later when Im available. The second method is exactly what I'm looking for!
  3. I need to change the process name and I can do it via [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern void SetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, string windowName); But I need to get the main window handle.. Also, wManger.WoW.Memory.WoWMemory.Memory.. no GetProcess exists, only serialize
  4. Is it possible to change process name of attached WoW process? Also, how would I get an IntPtr to the attached WoW process?
  5. The anti-afk plugin is not working. (I am on 3.3.5), I am in combat for like 30minutes ~ and can't move and I go AFK and sometimes will logout. How can I avoid this?
  6. I use BlackMagic in my instance so it is all done in a plugin
  7. I don't need to use pathfinding or what not, just need the bot to click a x,y,z location. (Entering an instance..)
  8. So, I need to return the processID of the attached wrobot instance. How can I do this? (There will be multiple wrobot/wow's running so I need the attached instance)
  9. This is for OP, not for me :P, I use it just fine
  10. string name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = Lua.LuaDoString<string>("BuffStatus('target','Hunter's Mark')");
  11. If you want to retrieve multiple values; a,b,c,d,e,f,g = Lua.LuaDoString<string>("UnitIsDead('target')); a,b,c.. are the respective values in order
  12. Lua.LuaDoString<string>("UnitIsDead('target')")
  13. So, when I am in combat and lets say the unit is unattackable or behind me or something the player moves / turns to try and fix itself. I don't want this. If the bot is in combat, I don't want it to move at all even if my target is unattackable. How can I do this? Or, is there a way I can completely pause the bot in combat and unpause after combat? (I have my own rotation/combat manager that has sesperate from wrobot) " [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on" I want to disable this, I only want movement to happen if I specifically call .Move
  14. Just making this in a plugin with an empty bot base! Solved
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