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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Just a tip to anyone with the memory bug, make sure to clear temp files after you update wrobot but before openning wrobot.
  2. Well then yesterdays update must have fixed it.
  3. I believe todays update fixed it. Currently running for 12hours . Thanks so much!
  4. Well the only other way is if the wRobot already has a Target.Casting.EndTime() / Target.Casting.Percent() function (or something similiar)
  5. Well, OP was asking about cast percentage nothing to do with stances.. anyways. for OP I haven't fully delved into the abilties of wrobot but here is how it would be done.. create a function that runs a lua script and returns a cast percentage value, this can be done by running a LUA script using the GetTime() / unitCastingInfo.endTime() http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/GetTime() http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/UnitCastingInfo
  6. I would try debugging with wrobot, even if it doesn't show up in your buff bar, I am pretty certain it is considered a buff.
  7. Really, stances aren't considered buffs? DK Presences are buffs, (Im fairly certain) so why would warrior stances be different?
  8. All your addons should be disabled when botting, so this is a non-issue. Also, update on crashed: After the update, I had a crash, but after that crash I cleared my cache/temp files, and so far have been botting for 6~hours without a crash, perhaps I am just lucky but will keep updated.
  9. Is it near the top of the priority?
  10. With wrobot updated, and using that reload plugin, my bots still crashed.
  11. Just updated my wrobot and running bots, will report back. Btw, bot crashes like every 2 hours minimum so 8 minutes is FAR to frequent.
  12. It seems that most of these tools only work with WOD, would be nice to get some LK support for them.
  13. It rezzes in the middle of like 4 mobs. Should search for a spot that is not near other mobs so it doesn't just keep dying and dying
  14. Does this happen to anyone else? Anyone have this problem and find a fix? Things I have tried: Complete fresh install of WoW Delete cache/interface Run WoW as admin/not admin
  15. Running wow 3.3.5 (Warmane) but wrobot doesn't find the process? Using windows 10 if that makes a difference... Running as admin, followed the troubleshooting guides, etc.. no luck.
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