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  1. Droidz, don't take the haters personally. For years you have single handedly given us an amazing bot. Not a small feat when you have an entire team at Blizzard working against you. Thank you for all you have done. I hope a future exists for wrobot but if not no worries.
  2. Thank you very much! I love your bot and the personal service you provide!
  3. Hello all, I have had my subscription for a while and love wrobot. i have recently began running two accounts but I only have the regular lifelong sub that lets me run one account only. i see there is now an unlimited sub and i dont remember that being an option before. My question is if there is a way to upgrade the sub i already have to unlimited or if I would have to pay the whole new price. this would leave me with two different keys and one would be worthless since all my computers are on same house so same Ip right?
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