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Posts posted by zatvorgt

  1. 3 hours ago, Memus said:

    Yeah, but that's not what I'm after.

    1. I wan't to see if an object has a quest available with the NpcMarker property.
    2. I wan't to know if we're within interact distance of the object to interact and accept the quest.

    GetDistance isn't reliable since objects can vary ALOT in size. 
    For ex. 4 yards might be perfect for smaller object but unreachable for bigger objects (if the objects radius is wider that 4 yards).
    An alternative to implementing IsGoodInteractDistance for WoWGameObject can be if WRobot can tell us the size (radius) of the object so we can implement it ourselves.

    Clearer now? ?

    I opened this theme!is realy actual becouse exist servers with  max 4 yards for interract distance and wrobot when go to repair - stuck becouse he stop moving on 5 yards and have "bad interract distance " spam

  2. 22 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, I keep note I'll try again to improve this

     sometimes reloger  it closes ((  without error logs and without windows errors events in event system logs

    after stopping the logging of events in the log - it continues to work and runs all 12 profiles and they work, then the reloger is closed


    10 май 2019 07H24.log.html

  3. 3 minutes ago, Gargaroth95 said:

    Maybe it's better to explain the problem.

    In the file above the paladin goes to the trainer in northshire and learns the new spell "devotion aura". He uses the spell because I have unchecked "check if know spell" in my fightclass but then he will learn the spell again and again. I have the complete condition: return wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.KnowSpell(465);
    After I restart the bot he will go to the next task. 

    Please excuse my bad english. ?

    i think need to add step  after learn spell
    <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="SpellManager.UpdateSpellBook();" />

  4. On 5/3/2019 at 8:40 PM, Droidz said:

    I am sorry, I already try to found how to optimize CPU usage I don't found, to resolve it I need to change a lot of code, it is more easy to minimize window (I'll fix it but I do not know when)

    i minimized and he reduces cpu ....but after short time he renew  big usage cpu in minimized position(((
    need or resolve this bug for normal working on 30+ profiles  or   add  global timer for all relogers started.
    Example:   have 5 relloger   with 10 profiles on 1 reloger ,   if relogger1  start wow -  relogger2, relogger3 waites the global timer (example 10-15 sec)  for  eliminate   conflict  when  relogger1 and relogger2 start  simultaneously wow  and relogger1 wrobot connect to wow of relogger 2 and have big problem of this becouse wow started on new ip and after admin ban me -  baned all accs who started on this ip)
    Possible to add this global timer?


  5. Hello  , exist plugin to minimize cpu usege in moment of loadin profile?
    example in moment of loading 1 profile processor used 10%   ,
    need add sleep in loading profile steps (analog of humanmaster plugin) he have this sleep for  minimize cpu in moment od loading profile steps

  6. all ok but who neede this code - change 
    wManager.Events.OthersEvents.OnPathFinderFindPath += delegate(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, string mpq, CancelEventArgs cancelable)
            if (to != null && to.Z == -200000 && to.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(-360.0499, 3067.896, 0)) < 20)
                to.Z = -52; // use gate Z pos
        catch {}
    if (to != null && to.Z == -200000 && to.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(-360.0499, 3067.896, 0)) < 20) to.Z = -52; // use gate Z pos
    to.Z = -52; // use gate Z pos
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