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Everything posted by insanity

  1. The bot often ressurect near hostile mob(s). This will result in you getting in combat with low hp. Seems the bot never tries to find a safe resurrection spot. Sometimes the bot ressurect immediately as the Resurrection dialog pop up. Sometimes it runs to the exact spot where it died, and then resurrect.
  2. Hey, Would it be possible to have the bot gather some object and at the same time kill som specified mob entries? This is useful when you are going to gather an object that is in middle of a bunch of mobs. As of now (in gatherer mode) the bot runs to the object, thus pulling 3-4 mobs. No way you can handle that in vanilla. Would'nt it be better to kill those surrounding mobs first, then loot the object? Eg, Im a mage and can pull the surrounding mobs from distance. This way I have to fight 1-2 mobs instead of 3-4.
  3. Hey, Is there an easy way to force the bot to pause for like 20-30 seconds dependant on hp/mana of pet, after combat. I've tried with Thread.Sleep(20000) as a spell in my fightclass with hp condition of my pet and not in combat. According to the log, it actually runs the spell, but the bot will just continue attacking mobs.
  4. https://github.com/elysium-project/server/commit/8c48587bf60eabc3a277812b17e6e29e6fbdcd63
  5. There's most likely nothing Droidz can do, since this is a server bug. It seems people are working on this issue: https://github.com/elysium-project/server/issues/82 https://github.com/elysium-project/server/pull/102
  6. Try cast the spell with lua: <NotSpellIsLuaScript>true</NotSpellIsLuaScript> <SpellName>CastSpellByName("Faerie Fire (Feral)()");</SpellName> You need parentheses at the end () when the spell already contains parentheses.
  7. There is a report about it on Elysium bugtracker. You should upvote it. https://elysium-project.org/bugtracker/issue/3564
  8. I still dont see why you need this check. Is it for quest turn in? If so, you can set the first quest objective to false. (Provided items related to quests are part of the quest objectives) Edit: This is a workaround until Droidz have a look at it.
  9. Hey, I guess this is for a quester profile you are creating. I dont really see why you have to check if you have the key in your bag since it should be provided for this quest.
  10. Bot goes to the npc, and starts interacting with it. But it wont accept/turnin quests.
  11. Next update, as of the update today? If so, no, its not resolved.
  12. Hey, Is there a way to automatically uncheck steps from Profile Settings (enable/disable quests/steps) once they are completed. This becomes handy when you in your quest profile use StopBot->logout command (eg. when in town and you want to manually learn new skills, buy new armor etc). And you want to continue using the same profile once done doing stuff manually. Steps like quest pickup/turnin is fine, because the bot knows what quests its done and not. But for steps like FollowPath the bot doesnt know if its done or not. Or RunCode like: wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new Vector3(xxxx, yyyy, zzzz), iiii, 2, false). This means that I have to manually uncheck these steps from profile settings before I can start botting again, with the same profile. Else the bot tries to do these steps, even tho they are completed long time ago. Is there something I am missing?
  13. Hey, I've noticed that my bot is picking up quests that I have not included in my quester profile. This seems to be happening in the following cases: 1. The questgiver have multiple quests, and you want the bot to pickup one of them. What often happens is that the bot will loop through (and accept) the available quests until it accepts the quest you have specified in your profile. 2. Quests with follow ups. You want the bot to turn in some quest, but you dont want it to pickup the follow up. What often happens is that the bot picks up the follow up even tho you havent specified this follow up quest in your profile. Eg. The Defense of Grom'gol. You want the bot to do the first part, but not the follow up. The reason why I am mentioning this is that your quest log will be filled up rather quickly with unnecessary quests. And suddenly your quest log is full....
  14. There is a bugreport about it on elysium bugtracker.. We are not the only ones! Link
  15. You can find my addon attached. 1. Download the addon. 2. Extract the folder inside and put it into your addon folder (wow/Interface/AddOns) bopLoot.7z
  16. @Droidz Could you please look into this? Would it be possible to do some workaround regarding autolooting these objects. Alot of my quester profiles depends on this. Again, its working on all servers, except for Anathema.
  17. How to test: Make a troll/orc character. Go do "Cutting Teeth" quest manually. Get the follow up "Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise" quest. Try looting the cactuses manually by holding Shift+Click.
  18. It seems to be related to quest items looted from objects.
  19. The bot suddenly stopped looting objects I have in my quester profiles. (Quest Type: Gatherer) The bot starts looting the object, but once the "loot table box" pops up, the bot wont loot it. I've tried multiple gatherer profiles now, and none seems to work. This have been working fine until now. WoW version: Vanilla Server: Anathema I know Anathema had an update recently, it might be related to that? This bug is major!
  20. Made an addon myself to get this to work: <NAMEOFADDON>.OnLoad= function () this:RegisterEvent("LOOT_OPENED"); this:RegisterEvent("LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM"); end; <NAMEOFADDON>.OnEvent = function () if (event == "LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM") then LootSlot(arg1) StaticPopup_OnClick(StaticPopup1, 1) end if (event == "LOOT_OPENED") then for i=1,GetNumLootItems() do LootSlot(i) end end end
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