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Everything posted by anqelican

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Arms Warrior Wrobot Rotation XML Talents are; 1-3-3-2-3-1-1 I did NOT add the survival,dps and mobility cooldowns to use them manually when needed. Bug reports and comments for improving the xml are always welcome. You can reach me via Skype or forum message. Skype username: anqelican
  2. Ok found it, and it is not selected. Also this problem not happens all the time. It is working fine but in some period as i pasted the log above it just starts chain using Slam.
  3. [F] 21:44:08 - [Spell] Cast Mortal Strike (Mortal Strike) [F] 21:44:09 - [Spell] Cast Focused Rage (Focused Rage) [F] 21:44:09 - [Spell] Cast Colossus Smash (Colossus Smash) [F] 21:44:10 - [Spell] Cast Focused Rage (Focused Rage) [F] 21:44:11 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:12 - [Spell] Cast Focused Rage (Focused Rage) [F] 21:44:12 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:14 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:15 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:16 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:17 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:19 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:20 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:21 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:23 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:24 - [Spell] Cast Colossus Smash (Colossus Smash) [F] 21:44:25 - [Spell] Cast Slam (Slam) [F] 21:44:27 - [Spell] Cast Mortal Strike (Mortal Strike) This is my log from last try for example. There are 19seconds between 2 Mortal Strikes when Mortal strikes cooldown is 5sec if it doesnt refresh from proc. And as you see bot kept Slamming many times. Focused Rage is not on Global Cooldown so bot just casted 2x Collosus Smash and 11x Slam in that period instead of casting Mortal Strike on cooldown.
  4. What do you mean with the "timer for mortal strike" ? I tried rage condition but it did not work.
  5. Hi, I'm working on an Arms Warrior fightclass. I've Mortal Strike with priority 12, and Slam with priority 3. But sometimes it is just spamming Slam again and again when Mortal Strike is not on CD. They both have same rage cost. And Both skills does not have any condition on it. How can i fix this ?
  6. Hi Darkscarletz, I was working on as well, tried many workarounds but still stacks fall-off somehow -.- Keep in touch if you can find a solution.
  7. Thanks a lot. Fixed the problem.
  8. If i use CS Code: wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(184362) It is working but with this code its using the skill when my enrage buff is on. Is there a CS code to execute the skill when i dont have the 184362 buff up on me.
  9. Hello, I have a problem with buff tracking of "Enrage" (Passive) When i check from development tools > Player/Target Buff/Debuff Without i have Enrage buff on me, i only see Enrage: ID=184361, Stack=0, TimeLeft=0 ms, Owner=0000000005A6529B0839680000000000, Flag=None, CasterLevel=100, Mask=16777216 With buff on me i can see both; Enrage: ID=184361, Stack=0, TimeLeft=0 ms, Owner=0000000005A6529B0839680000000000, Flag=None, CasterLevel=100, Mask=16777216 Enrage: ID=184362, Stack=0, TimeLeft=2177 ms, Owner=0000000005A6529B0839680000000000, Flag=Duration, Negative, CasterLevel=100, Mask=251658564 So i tried buff id:184362 but i could not make it work. What im trying to do is using Bloodthirst when Enrage passive is NOT active.
  10. Hi, I'm having the same problem with warrior passive buff "Enrage" Tried both buff condition and c sharp code with spell id 184361 and 184362 but still not working. How can i find the right spell id for Enrage passive?
  11. Yeah, "Buff" and "Buff casted by me" not working as well as i see. Can not be able to use skills according to buff exists or not.
  12. You can select the downloaded xml as FightClass then you can directly Start the WRotation from the main menu.
  13. Version 1.7


    Fury Warrior Wrobot Rotation XML Talents are; 2-3-3-3-3-3-3 I did NOT add the survival,dps and mobility cooldowns to use them manually when needed. All the skills getting executed according to "Enrage" buff exists or not. Note: I will be updating the XML pretty frequently for the first days to improve it. So please keep an eye on here for the updates. Bug reports and comments for improving the xml are always welcome. You can reach me via Skype as well. Skype username: anqelican Anqelica_Fury_Warrior_v1.5.xml
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