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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. Just now, destroid said:

    But it kinda is. I am having the exact same problem where it is not reviving the pet in case it dies.

    It's hard for me to test it on netherwing because i don't have any chars there.
    Anyway as you can see in my previous post, i'm currently rewriting the hunter. ?

  2. Update coming out tomorrow.
    As i'm typing this: I added:
    - Auto updater. (yay no more downloads! :D)
    - Fixed Feign Death (LOL the old code? WTF?)
    - Made pet take aggro on all mobs (Those on vanilla knows how this works. :))
    I have a lot more that i'm going to add tomorrow. ! ?

  3. 15 hours ago, pecorino said:

    Yep, certainly does. Vanilla does as well. You can manually edit the config file to 144hz (or whichever hz you want). But that answers my question. Thanks! BTW, i did try doing a fresh wrobot install with your FC, no plugins at all, and zero addons installed. I still can't get hawk or berzerking to work, but all my other abilities work. Just FYI. Also it wont resume autoshot after it feigns. This is why i was asking about framelock, cause it's exhibiting this behavior with a 100% fresh profile.

    Eagerly awaiting the rewrite; I helped you beta test your vanilla fc and it's top notch.

    Hopefully gonna get rewriting going this week. CsMax is testing the auth now ?

  4. 10 hours ago, pecorino said:

    Does this FC require frame lock? On some FC i have to set my refresh to 60hz, turn on vsync so the fc performs as it should. I'm not sure if this is mentioned somewhere. I would prefer to play on 144hz if possible.

    I am on a 165hz screen.

    However isn't does tbc even support over 75? I know that vanilla doesn't

  5. 38 minutes ago, zeriox3000 said:

    That worked, thanks a lot.


    Is revive pet still broken for Netherwing? Getting caught in constant death loops when the bot fails to call pet and dives into battle

    Not with the newest version no. At least it shouldn't be. ?

  6. Still don't see any reason honestly.
    You have obviously already disabled taunt.

    I don't know what to tell you lol
    The only thing that i can think of is the server being bugged, and not putting you "in-combat" or if the server doesn't see allies as "IsAttackAble" those are literally the only conditions that i have that could prevent you from getting to the combat rotation.

  7. Just now, ridder654 said:

    tried turning off main tank. still does nothing. i understand its not for pvp, but thought it would do basic rotation

    There is no such thing as a "basic" rotation when you want to make anything advanced.
    It's made for tanking in PVE, however, there is no reason at all for it not to work in pvp though.

  8. 2 minutes ago, zeriox3000 said:

    I was trying to imply there's nothing of interest in there, sorry.


    17 Jan 2019 16H01.log.html


    [D] 16:01:32 - [Info] Wow Addons: !Compatibility, !DebugTools, Cartographer, Omen, QuestHelper, Recount, VendorValues, ZygorGuidesAlliance, ZygorGuidesHorde, ZygorGuidesViewer, ElvUI, ElvUI_Config


  9. 1 minute ago, zeriox3000 said:

    I just downloaded and installed it all fine, but my bot isn't using any abilities? No hunters mark, arcane shot, serpent sting, raptor strike, etc.


    I have confirmed that the rotation is enabled and the conditions are being met.


    -- On netherwing

    Have you read the FAQ and done what it says there? ?
    Did you put the fightclass fill in the fightclass folder?

  10. Just now, zeriox3000 said:

    I just downloaded and installed it all fine, but my bot isn't using any abilities? No hunters mark, arcane shot, serpent sting, raptor strike, etc.


    I have confirmed that the rotation is enabled and the conditions are being met.


    -- On netherwing

    The warrior does not have any of those spells?

  11. 2 hours ago, ridder654 said:

    im using wrotation and it dose nothing

    Weird, no idea why. But as i said, it's not made for pvp.
    Try turning off main-tank etc. - Perhaps it's trying to sunder armor something that's not supposed to be sundered in pvp?

  12. 12 hours ago, Desmoplakin said:

    I also have the problem with Aspect of the hawk, feign death thingy and getting aggro with multiple mobs. Even after a fresh install and all stuff.

    It does work though. ?
    Give me a pm on discord, and we'll figure it out.

  13. 6 hours ago, ridder654 said:

    Will the prot warrior do no rotation in bg's? because for me in bg's and duels it does nothing.

    It's not made for pvp (it even says pve in the title)

    However, it should work just fine try wrotation

  14. To everybody who is not bothering to read any posts before their own. I'll just add this again.
    Me and my brother is going to rewrite everything i've done. As soon as the auth system is complete. (It'll be done very soon).
    I will start with bringing the hunter quality up to the same standard my vanilla one has. ?

  15. 13 minutes ago, pecorino said:

    Hey there. Some bugs on Netherwing using 2.1.3:

    1. Aspect of the Hawk does not cast for me when enabled

    2. Berserking racial does not cast for me when enabled and set to Cooldown

    3. Rapid Fire does not cast for me when enabled and set to Cooldown

    4. If i get aggro from my pet and bot feigns, bot will lay there feigned until pet kills target. Not sure if intentional.

    5. rarely bot never engages autoshoot on some fights. 

    6. sometimes bot chooses to run away from mobs instead of looting (unsure if this has anything to do with your fc, but my other bots dont exhibit this behavior)

    7. when fighting multiple mobs, bot *should* try to use pet to get aggro on everything hitting hunter that isn't also CC'd. Instead, bot will try to kill mobs one at a time, usually resulting in a death with densely packed mobs such as desolace.


    I'll post here again if i encounter any more odd things like that. After many levels these are the most common annoyances.

    NONE of these things above are actually valid bugs with my FC.
    Aspect of the Hawk works perfectly fine so does, racials Rapid Fire etc.
    As late as yesterday i helped a user fix some issues with feeding pet. He was playing on netherwing wtihout any of those issues.
    Please check the FAQ, do what it says. If that doesn't fix your issues, try running wow + wrobot as admin.
    If that does help, add me on Discord, and we'll get these issues solved. ?

  16. 5 minutes ago, Nightwolf said:

    Don't think it did for me but anyway I found the same download link thanks.

    By the way are either of you planning on making a TBC PVP Hunter profile? I'd buy it once I reach lvl 70 ? 

    None of us really approve of using fightclass for PVP.

    - My TBC stuff doesn't have auto-update yet no. ?

  17. 3 minutes ago, Noxsia said:

    Okay, so in this matter, I'll wait for Netherwing to update it?
    I'll throw them a ticket on the bugtracker so It can fix itself, as you mention above, it affects macros too.

    That is not gonna happen though. I am making the code right now
    To qoute myself agian


    if (Usefuls.RealmName == "Netherwing")


  18. Okay all.
    I've found out that netherwing is as badly scripted when it comes to pet handles as K3 is.
    Here is a short qoute that i wrote to another player on the issue:


    It's because on all other servers (Including retail). If your pet is dead and you use "call pet" you get the bar on the top left, but with a dead pet. Then my fightclass sees the dead pet and revives it.

    On this server however, if the pet is dead it acts as if you don't have a pet. So my fightclass never gets around to seeing a dead pet.
    It's the EXACT same behavior that K3 had. So bad. How do i know that this is a badly scripted server, and not just my memory that is wrong? Well if you google ANY macro for call/revive pet, you will see that none of them will work. Because that macro is based on the real system. ?
    What i did on K3 was to spam res pet at the same time as call pet if no pet was existing so it would both use call pet and res pet at the same time. SO STUPID, because it will get a lot of red letters on your screen. However it's the only workaround. I will implement it in the TBC version anyway.

    So in short, wait for an update! ?

  19. 2 hours ago, Noxsia said:

    Hello, once my pet dies it does not try to revive the pet, it only tries to call pet.

    I have enabled "revive pet" in options ofc. Need help please

    Try reinstalling wrobot into a new folder.  (however this  issue also existed on K3 which was really badly written, perhaps your server is also really badly written?)

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