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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. Just now, Findeh said:

    Is 1.12 supposed to lag like shit with VMware? Running 4gb ram and 6 cores just for 2 bots and they do lag hard, sometimes bot windows just freezes and they do not unfreeze till i change the window resolution or something like that.

    Simulating your graphics card always takes it toll

  2. 4 hours ago, Bambo said:

    What the hell did they ban the other 50% for though

    I also did a shit ton of hacking on their server, to see what the limits were.
    So people trying to use hacks is probably a big portion too.

    Anyway, i still don't believe in any of this. I certainly don't think they have a way of detecting accounts if you use proxies. I am still to get mass banned, and no i am not questing by hand, and yes i am running more than 5 bots lol.

  3. On 7/3/2018 at 9:17 PM, Kr8zycdn said:

    Hello folks,


    I am quite stunned at the fact that this bot is just a money pit. Honorbuddy was quite working well for the price we paid. but this bot.. 22$ euro for something that works like crap unless you buy expansive fight class, plug-ins and profiles.. for a private server really ? 

    I understand all the hard work that goes into making profiles, plug-in and such but this is just too much. I bought this on 06/29/18.. can i please get a refund!


    It works like crap with free profiles and to be honest. I do have time to babysit this bot. every 5 min.. my  shaman took 6 days to get to 20... unreal..


    I am not interested in putting a house rent into a game that is free to play and i do it better by hands.

    "expansive fight class" What is expansive to you? 6.99 euro for a some of the work that has been put into these fightclasses does not seem expansive to me?

  4. 10 minutes ago, tbaker4979 said:

    I'm aware. And thank you. But I was looking for a better fix, like a plugin. Especially since I'm just starting out, with small bags. having 12 open slots is a struggle in general with food for the pet and waters (Not to mention a lot of quest items)

    There is no fix. In vanilla you can't tell what kind of bag you have, so there is no way to tell it what to do in case you have ammo bag/quiver

  5. 26 minutes ago, Zarcho said:

    TY ? that solved it! It was so clunky before with it interrupting itself

    Yeah, not sure why, but for some users wrobot just doesn't like memory reading. ?
    I will add it as an auto feature next update. ?


  6. 3 hours ago, Zarcho said:

    Im having an issue with the autoshotting. It keeps interrupting itself. When looking in what the bot is doing, its spamming autoattack, which turns it on and off. Any solution to this?

    Try adding auto shoot to your action bar. sometimes the code that reads from memory can be slow, there is also a "backup" that checks actionbar ?

  7. 1 hour ago, Jono said:

    And I think everyones issue with the pet switching targets is due to the Pet Tank option being toggled on, I turned it off, no more issues.

    pet switching target?
    The way pet tank works is that the pet TANKS the mobs, so if you get aggro on a mob, the pet will attack that mob until it has aggro, then it will move to the next mob.
    If the pet has aggro on everything, it will target the mob with the lowest hp. This is fully intended.

    2 hours ago, Jono said:

    Seems to spam Wing Clip when toggled, not reapplying when it runs out

    I'm not sure i understand? So it's spamming Wing Clip, but not when the mob doesn't have it?
    Edit: I just looked at my code, must have been drunk when i wrote that code ... lol..
    Yes it does spam wing clip if it's on. even if the target has wing clip already.
    I will fix this in the next update.

  8. 2 hours ago, hrt said:

    - if my pet tanking keep switching between melee and range every 2 sec which case any one see it will know its bot 100%

    - not feeding pet even i did the set up for the food name.

    - keep switch pet to passive mode which end up me to die every time since pet not fighting.

    - some time its ignoring  my died pet and not revive it.

    - some time the camera on target with out attacking it and even with out targeting it for 10 ~ 10 sec.

    As I replied to you in your mail
    You have something fucking up your set-up please read the FAQ.
    I even added a link for the FAQ.

    If reinstalling wow/wrobot and ONLY adding my fightclass, does not solve your issues. Then you can come back here! ?

  9. Just now, zwirbel said:


    is there any option to let the bot feed the pet , without changing food in the "Pet Food Area" manually ?

    Not yet, i have been swamped with work the last couple of months, so i haven't had time to add features. It will be added though.
    You can turn off feed pet, and use the plugin for auto pet feed. ?

  10. 28 minutes ago, slashy3 said:

    my bot keep running back and forth toward the mob. idk if I missed something.. but ive tried different resolution and vsync on/off.. also with ctm always the same problem.. tried another free hunter FC and didnt have any problem.

    Try changing the range on the last page. set it to 30 then back to 25.

    It's an issue that happens to some people, i'm yet to figure out why. ?

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