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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. 4 hours ago, ct96 said:


    alright i'll admit I was a little heated after fucking around with the fight class for 45 minutes, but i tried reading the FAQ and it didn't help.. i don't think i'm reading the right one, it just says 3 things : why doesnt your FC work good, why wont it start, and one other thing... nothing about the pet...

    Try removing all addons from wow and doing a fresh wrobot install. These two usually solves 90% of all the problems.

    When you are writing in pet food remember to press "enter" and not "esc" or close the window. It's important that you press enter.

    Next update there will be no need to write in food names.

  2. 43 minutes ago, Glyxlwyrz said:

    Hi @ll,


    I'd like to level myself a toon via wrobot on Kronos 3 (private vanilla realm) or gather some stuff. I'll let the bot run on a notebook which is located next to my pc screen. I'll only run the bot while being on the pc anyway so I can always put half an eye on the notebook and react if somebody /w me ingame or follows me etc.


    1)Does this increase my chance to get a char to lvl 60 or will a single player report get me banned anyway?


    2)Do GMs try to talk to the bot or anything like that to see if it's a real human behind the screen?


    3)Another thing: Is warden active on 1.12 clients so can Kronos 3 detect the wrobot?


    4)Will botting a rogue and only travelling in stealth (=to cloak the bottish movement, well at least others won't see it right away) increase my chance for success?


    Thanks in advance.


    Smell ya later,


    Most of your questions are obvious. ?

    First of all. ofc. it decreases your chance to get banned if you watch your bot.
    2) GM's can and will try anything if they feel like it, sometimes they spawn mobs, othertimes they just teleport you etc. Can be many things.
    3) No
    4) Ofc. (This will take a long time though).
    It's 50% about luck.

    Even if you get teleported, if you are able to talk to the gm who does it, and behave "human-ish" you might just get ported back to orgrimmar/stormwind.

    Also remember that, if you get reported, it's not like they read the report and ban or teleport you. They follow you around to see how bot-like you seem.

  3. 6 hours ago, Lbniese said:


    As Ordush mentioned you should probably discontinue the use of your VPNs and simply get ahold of socks5 proxies ?

    Getting ahold of proxies being buying and not scraping trash public proxies.

    Personally i use both.
    Socks5 proxies for games, and an easy to "turn you pc into a proxy" like ExpressVPN for day to day proxy. :)

  4. 29 minutes ago, Raphyn said:

    Anyone botting on kronos ? if yes how is it going ?

    Any1 got banned yet ?

    There are tons of people farming on Kronos.

    You have to keep an eye on your bot all the time, if you are there. GM's will randomly teleport you to GM island if they think you are botting.

  5. 19 hours ago, joeblowy said:

    Ok so I've read through your guide.  (thanks again btw)  I think I am comfortable with the setup.  The problem is the socks5 / proxy situation.   I do not claim to know a great deal about the socks5 / proxy at all.   I do have a purchased VPN that I  use  (privateinternetaccess.com)   Can I use that in the setup of proxy  or would I need to discontinue using that and do a premium socks5 setup?  and what pricing wise are we talking about.. basically I want to do 4 bots at a time if possible.    but still show each wow client as a different IP.     If I need to move to a premium proxy buy/rent  what do you use? suggestion.

    If you want to use your VPN you have to set it up on another machine and then use some software to make a socks5 out of that.  (You can make a VM), this however is probably for more advanced users. ?

    I would suggest to indeed use socks5, just because it's easier. ?

  6. 3 hours ago, valetine said:

    These issues are because of the distance to the target or the terrain, so it doesn't happen often. I use your FC to farm mats, and I never leave the computer, so I can discover these problems.


    I am always watching my bots too. Yes there is an issue after the latest update with the movement. I know why it's happening, but the issue with the pet is not something that i am seeing.
    Can you please just try removing addons, and do a fresh WRobot install?

  7. 1 minute ago, valetine said:

    Lightshope Serve.I have tested for a long time, I can confirm that these issue exist.

    Should not be happening on that server. I would understand if it was K3, because it's really badly scripted.

    I have leveled more than 10 chars 1-60 on NH (which is also Elysium), without any of the issues you are writing about. So something is wrong with your setup.

    Please make sure you have no addons on, and perhaps try a fresh WRobot install. ?

  8. Okay, so there is something wrong with your setup, or perhaps you are on a badly scripted server? Because, these issues are no present for others, nor me.

    The issue with turning around after a backtrack is because of the "sleep" time, i'm working on how to fix it.

    What server are you on?

  9. 3 minutes ago, valetine said:

    This problem has always existed, not appeared after the update wrobot. It's just that I have time for feedback today.

    Which one of the bugs has always existed? If you say the pet bug, then it's your install that is something wrong with. Because it has never been reported before, and i have never had that issue. ?

  10. 57 minutes ago, valetine said:

    Pet switching target bug

    If there is a ranged mob and a melee mob attacking you at the same time, and the ranged mob is not in the melee range, the  pet will run to the ranged mob, but it will return at the halfway to attack the melee mob. So the pet cant attack the ranged mob,just keep running between the tow mons.This looks very botly.


    Sounds very weird. I have not changed the pet behavior at all, so this must be a bug that came with the new WRobot update.
    I will look into it.

    49 minutes ago, valetine said:

    Backtracking bug on the hills

    When I try to Backtracking on the hill, my character will just keep going down and up the hill because the target will not be in view.

    This looks very botly.

    Also must be a bug that came with the new update. Will diff look into this as well!
    Thanks for the updates

  11. There seems to be some issues with the backtracking, if you have melee abilities like Raptor Strike or Wing Clip enabled.
    I tested this before updating today, i tested it a lot (today, i even had the update prompt). Because someone told me they had issues.
    I then updated to the newest WRobot version (The one with the new interface). And i got the bug too. So the newest WRobot is diff having issues with Melee abilities. (Perhaps Droidz made it so you go in melee if trying to use melee ability now?)

  12. If you need help with anything with the Mage Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post.
    I will edit the top post with current posted issues, so it's always up to date.

    Current Reported Issues:

  13. If you have any suggestions for the Mage Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post.
    I will edit the top post with current posted suggestions, so it's always up to date.

    Current Reported Issues:

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