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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. If you have any suggestions for the Druid Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post.
    I will edit the top post with current posted suggestions, so it's always up to date.

    Current Reported Issues:

  2. If you need help with anything with the Hunter Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post.
    I will edit the top post with current posted issues, so it's always up to date.

    Current Reported Issues:

  3. If you have any suggestions for the Hunter Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post.
    I will edit the top post with current posted suggestions, so it's always up to date.

    Current Reported Issues:

  4. If you have any suggestions for the Hunter Fightclass for Vanilla, please post it as a reply to this post.
    I will edit the top post with current posted suggestions, so it's always up to date.

    Current suggestions:
    - Better Pet Food Control (I am currently making this)
    - Nightelf Racial
    - Add elementals to serpent sting ignore
    - Additional backtracking options

  5. If you need help with anything with the Hunter Fightclass for Vanilla, please post it as a reply to this post.
    I will edit the top post with current posted issues, so it's always up to date.

    Current Reported Issues:
    - Melee abilities can cause bugs when you have a pet tanking.
    - Issues with LoS on mountains. (After newest WRobot update)
    - Issues with pet control. (After newest WRobot update)

  6. Hey all!
    Welcome to my side of WRobot. Please if you have anything you want to talk about, add it as a reply to this post , instead of making new topics. This way we can keep all the general talk to this here. :)

  7. Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Beast Mastery & Marksmanship
    1.3.0 (Big update) - New times update!

    - Redesigned the in-game interface
    - Redid the backtracking (it now checks every 15 degrees in a 360 degree circle around target for a spot to stand on).
    - Rewrote the call pet/revive pet so it now works on Kronos 3

  8. Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Beast Mastery & Marksmanship

    - Fix for CombatRange if not changed
    - Added option to change Feign Death wait time.
    To change it write /run FDDelay = x where you replace x with seconds you want the delay to be. It's currently 4 (was 2 before update)

  9. Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Beast Mastery & Marksmanship:
    Updating fightclass this is what i've currently made work:

    - Fix for CombatRange if not changed
    - Added option to change Feign Death wait time.

  10. Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Beast Mastery & Marksmanship
    1.2.1 (Very big update) - Go happy leveling update

    - You can now do /reloadUI (/script ReloadUI()), without any issues, the UI will load back up (this is how it also works on TBC). :)
    - You can now change Combat Range in-game in the UI. (Default is 25)
    - Blood Fury will now only be used in melee range.
    - Cooldown 2+ mode has been added to all abilities that has modes (Rapid Fire, Bloodfury, Berserking, Beastial Wrath etc.) When in 2+ mode, it will use abiltiies on cooldown, but only if 2 or more mobs are pulled.
    - Will now only cast Arcane Shot if mana is 40% +
    - Added Disengage
    - Added Concussive Shot
    - Added Viper Sting & Wing Clip (They are both pvp oriented, and therefor off by default).
    - Pet no longer attacks target when feeding, unless it's already green in happiness.
    - You can now turn abilities on even though you haven't learned them yet. (This is useful if you are leveling a character). Abilities that has not yet been learned, will give a warning that you haven't learned the ability yet, and it will color the "On" or "Cooldown" in blue instead of green the first time you turn them on.
    If you reload the game or UI, it will turn green, so that it doesn't irritae the eye.

  11. Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Beast Mastery & Marksmanship:
    Updating fightclass this is what i've currently made work:

    - You can now do /reloadUI (/script ReloadUI()), without any issues, the UI will load back up (this is how it also works on TBC). :)
    - You can now change Combat Range in-game in the UI. (Default is 25)
    - Blood Fury will now only be used in melee range.
    - Cooldown 2+ mode has been added to all abilities that has modes (Rapid Fire, Bloodfury, Berserking, Beastial Wrath etc.) When in 2+ mode, it will use abiltiies on cooldown, but only if 2 or more mobs are pulled.
    - Will now only cast Arcane Shot if mana is 40% +
    - Added Disengage
    - Added Concussive Shot
    - Viper Sting & Wing Clip has been added (They are both pvp oriented, and therefor off by default).
    - Pet no longer attacks target when feeding, unless it's already green in happiness.
    - You can now turn abilities on even though you haven't learned them yet. (This is useful if you are leveling a character). Abilities that has not yet been learned, will give a warning that you haven't learned the ability yet, and it will color the "On" or "Cooldown" in blue instead of green the first time you turn them on.
    If you reload the game or UI, it will turn green, so that it doesn't irritae the eye.

  12. Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Beaster Mastery & Marksmanshiip

    - Rewrote backtracking conpletely. It now looks for a spot to stand, where target is in line of sight, and a viable path is available.
    This is a small update, more angles will be added later, and even more features is coming soon.

  13. Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Beastmaster & Marksmanship
    - Serpent Sting no longer used on Elementals/Undead
    - Revisited backtracking AGAIN (Droidz 'fix' did not work)
    - Added Aspect of the Monkey (Will only work if Aspect of the Hawk is Disabled)

  14. Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Beast Mastery:
    - Aspect of the Cheetah no longer tunrs on between mobs or when running away from mobs.
    - Backtracking (Range), made a lot smarter. Does not backtrack if you have aggro, Will not backtrack from mob that is moving. (Still a bug in WRobot, so the range is still 12 instead of 8).
    - Pet now goes in defensive mode when attacking a mob (So if the pet is tanking multiple mobs, it will no longer run back to the player when target is dead).
    - Fixed Lua Error that compares number with nil (This was caused by the fightclass checking if pet was happy, when there was no pet).
    - Fixed Bestial Wrath spelling error that would cause a lua error.
    - A lot of small bug fixes that was not hurting, but shouldn't be there.
    Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Marksmanship:
    - Aspect of the Cheetah no longer tunrs on between mobs or when running away from mobs.
    - Backtracking (Range), made a lot smarter. Does not backtrack if you have aggro, Will not backtrack from mob that is moving. (Still a bug in WRobot, so the range is still 12 instead of 8).
    - Pet now goes in defensive mode when attacking a mob (So if the pet is tanking multiple mobs, it will no longer run back to the player when target is dead).
    - Fixed Lua Error that compares number with nil (This was caused by the fightclass checking if pet was happy, when there was no pet).
    - A lot of small bug fixes that was not hurting, but shouldn't be there.

  15. Fightclass: TBC - Hunter - Beast Mastery:
    - Fixed UI messing up if people clicked the fightclass settings before loading the fightclass for the first time.
    - Changed Aspect of the Viper, it now uses Viper if you have less then 80% mana, and you don't have Hawk on, this is in case you use Aspect of the Cheetah, and don't have enough mana to pop hawk.
    - A lot of small fixes that did not affect the gameplay.
    - Rewrote Fightclass AGAIN, now there is no more lag, not even in the in-game menu! Everything is Silky smooth now! (Prettier Interface as well)!
    - Fixed Bug where bot would walk away from dead targets when trying to loot.
    - Fixed UI bug, where Aspect of the Viper would Change Aspect of the Hawk.

  16. Mage fightclass TBC - Fire:
    2.0.0 - Rewrite of all the code
    - All of my code has been rewritten in C#
    - It now saves all your settings between sessions. example: Turn off Fire Blast. Then next time you log on it will have saved that setting!
    - When you pause the rotation in-game WRobot itself will pause; The bot doesn't try to auto-shoot anymore!
    - The bot will not attack CC'ed mobs.
    - The bot no longer interupts drinking uless you have full mana.
    - More tight rotation, meaning higher dps and faster use of cooldowns.
    - Much more has been tightened up.
    - A lot of small fixes that did not affect the gameplay.
    - The responsiveness of the in-game UI is now fluent (no longer any delay when you change spells)
    This also means a new chapter, since only minor things needs to be done to my current fightclasses. I will begin working with Vanilla soon.

  17. Fightclass: TBC - Mage - Fire:
    The mage fireclass is the next in lien to get an overhaul.
    I'm rewriting the fightclass in CS, just like i did the hunter.
    Stay tuned!

  18. Fightclass: TBC - Hunter - Beast Mastery:
    Version 2.0.0. has been released!
    2.0.0 - Rewrite of all the code
    - All of my code has been rewritten in C#
    - Fixed some bugs, that was not fixable in xml here are some of them: The UI does not bug first time you use the fightclass. - You can now ReloadUI even without stopping the bot.
    - When you pause the rotation in-game WRobot itself will pause; The bot doesn't try to auto-shoot anymore!
    - The bot will not attack CC'ed mobs.
    - Volley Mob Amount has been added, where you can change the amount of mobs that needs to be in a cluster for the bot to use volley.
    - The bot no longer interupts drinking uless you have full mana.
    - More tight rotation, meaning higher dps and faster use of cooldowns.
    - Much more has been tightened up.
    - Removed Ranged Attack Speed from GUI, since this is now automaticly calculated.

  19. Fightclass: TBC - Hunter - Beast Mastery:
    I am rewritting the whole Hunter fightclass into C# instead of xml.
    The reason i am doing this, is so i can make my code utilize more of WRobots functions, and to make it run a lot more smooth. (No more crashes because of logs!)

  20. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
    Here you will find the answers to most of your questions.
    If your issue is not in this list, feel free to seek help in the support channel that fits the fightclass you're using.

    [Q] = Questions
    [A] = Answer

    [Q]: The xml file is only containing 1 line of code, is this a scam?
    [A]: No, this is not a scam. All my fightclasses are encrypted, WRobot reads the encryption key then it loads all my code.

    [Q]: I have loaded the file, but nothing happens in-game (no interface).?
    [A]: This can be because of a few reasons:
    1) Your game client is not English.
    2) Your WRobot is only trial version If it's not any of these two then get help in the support.
    3) You have wow addons that are messing stuff up (Disable all addons when you use bot)
    4) You have the settings stored from a pre v2.0.0, they are messing with the new version. Go to wrobot/settings folder and delete anything with "Ordush" in the name.
    5) Your WRobot setup, has a setting set to something that breaks the fightclass. Try making a new WRobot install, in a new folder.

    [Q]: All other fightclasses works fine, why doesn't your?
    [A]: Most other fightclasses are not nearly as advanced as mine is. My fightclasses utilizes a lot more functions from WRobot. This means more can go worng with your install.
    Making a fresh install of WRobot is the safest bet to make sure nothing is wrongly set up.

    [Q]: I am getting this error: (May look slightly different if your computer language is not English)

    [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
    at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
    at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
    at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName)
    at Main.CombatRotationRanged()
    at Main.Rotation()

    [A]: This error is a false positive. It's basically saying: The code you wrote to check cooldowns... It isn't working.
    However, if the code i wrote did not work. Then the bot would not cast any spells. Ignore the message. It does nothing.

  21. Fightclass: TBC - Hunter - Beast Mastery:
    Version 1.3.0 has been released
    - The fightclass will now save your settings between sessions. So if you have turned off some abiltiies and turn off your game. Then later when you load the game and the FC the settings will return to what they were. (The first time you load the FC it MAY bug out as it writes the settings file. just do /run ReloadUI()
    - Your attack speed is now automaticly calculated, even if you have speed buffs this will change so it fits. (try opening the settings and use Rapid Fire).

  22. Hey all
    Does anyone know if it's possible to use the hitbox when using Vector3?

    I use this to backtrack from mobs, but if the mob has a big hitbox, it'll cause problems.

    Because Target Position does not include the mobs hitbox?

    var tar = ObjectManager.Target;
    Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(tar.Position.X + posX, tar.Position.Y + posY, tar.Position.Z);

    The code below gives the distance between me and target hitbox.

    ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance - ObjectManager.Target.CombatReach - ObjectManager.Me.CombatReach

    I also use the Vector3 to check TraceLine, but this also doesn't check far enough on mobs with big hitboxes.

    (!TraceLine.TraceLineGo(ObjectManager.Target.Position, newPos))

    Hope any of this made any sense, otherwise please ask. :)

    I'd love to get help on this!

    	public static double PosX(int angle)
    		return 0 + 18 * System.Math.Cos(angle * System.Math.PI / 180);
    	public static double PosY(int angle)
    		return 0 + 18 * System.Math.Sin(angle * System.Math.PI / 180);

    The number "18" is the range between the vector and the mob. it has to be 18 in order to be 8 yards from a mob with a big hitbox (Raptors in Un'Guru, is an example).
    I could make a variable that changed number based on target hitbox size, but i don't know how to get that either. :P

  23. 29 minutes ago, CocoChanel said:

    I have been using WRobot recently, and I have gotten warden banned on K3.

    All bans occured while my char was looting. This is not a common issue, but I have had it happen twice now.

    I can assure you that this is 100% a warden ban, because I got banned after my client crashed when using the bot. I also checked my account status, and it confirmed that it was a warden ban. Please fix:)



    Can you Screen Shot that it says warden ban?
    I just got a char banned there, and it says "botting" not "warden ban". So if you were 'detected' could it be some other third party software you have on?

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