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Posts posted by kodec

  1. Hi,

    My post in the private server section gained some momentum so i decided to highlight this suggestion in general as well.


    Feature suggestion:

    An record function would allow players to press a button and record in-game actions for questing profiles/Fight classes. These could then be shared with the community.


    Are you interested in this feature? Please answer in the survey:



    Survey results:




  2. Hi,

    how do i create /cast spell command?




    Rererenced WOW's API

    PROTECTED CastSpell(spellID, "bookType") - Cast the specified spell by ID. spellbookTab is "spell" or "pet". As of patch 2.0, this function has been restricted to Blizzard signed UI mods. Note: You can still use this function to open Craft windows and activate Lock Picking. (protected 2.0)


  3. Hi,

    It has come to my attention that there is no newsletter used for updates on the website. I would encourage staff to consider a newsletter feature to keep members of the community regularly updated about everything concerning the clients. I believe this feature would encourage people and make user engagement more proactive. 

    Thank you.

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