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Posts posted by knights

  1. 3 hours ago, Bugreporter said:

    In my profile I don't check "hostily", I check if "not friendly" thats a different. And npc's wouldn't attack


    if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") then 

    Its LUA, but I think, there is an option in C# also

    I did tried your version, but it still kept casting...


  2. On 10/28/2016 at 7:45 AM, KnightRyder said:

    I've been trying to get it to push a button on my vehicle bar as well and cant get it to work. Mine's called OverrideActionBarButton1 but I can't seem to get it to work. It needs to push the button then click on the ground by the enemy. I've tried several combinations including: 


    RunMacroText("/click OverrideActionBarButton1");
    ClickOnTerrain.Pulse(new Vector3(ObjectManager.Target.Position));
    Lua.LuaDoString("/click OverrideActionBarButton1");
    ClickOnTerrain.Pulse(new Vector3(ObjectManager.Target.Position));
    wManager.Wow.Helpers.ClickOnTerrain.Spell(218592, new Vector3(nearHostile.Position));
    if (ObjectManager.Target.IsValid && ObjectManager.Target.IsAlive && ObjectManager.Target.HealthPercent <= 100)

    It only ever seems to target them.

    Try this?




  3. Hi, I'm having a problem getting to click the button 1 on the vehicle menu on the quest "Stink Bomb Away"


    I tried to use the code that droidz provided but it did not really work...

                      var nearHostile = ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile());
                                if (nearHostile.IsValid)
                                    wManager.Wow.Helpers.ClickOnTerrain.Spell(96026, new Vector3(nearHostile.Position));

    it was displayed in the log but nothing was actually cast.

    [F] 00:38:28 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb)
    [F] 00:38:32 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb)
    [F] 00:38:37 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb)
    [F] 00:38:42 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb)
    [F] 00:38:46 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb)
    [F] 00:38:51 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb)
    [F] 00:38:56 - [Spell] Cast Toss Stink Bomb (Toss Stink Bomb)

    it works if I manually press "1"...

     Any advice on this?

  4. 8 hours ago, kimbo38 said:

    I'm attempting to use BetterSisters Hunter Fight Class with wrobot.  It works great, the only problem I'm having is that I want to be able to control my character.  I've found out by starting the bot on party mode I can basically control everything.  It just seems to have problems every now and then.

    I feel like I'm just missing something simple.  Is there a way to just use the fight class and no botting profile?



    You can use wRotation with auto movement unchecked

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