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Everything posted by Gash

  1. yea i dont think theres a way for the bot to detect if its ground or flying travel form since the spell is the same edit : my idea was to add check boxes mounting options only use out of combat and only use outside
  2. perfect thanks anyway to make it attack all the rares without adding all the ids?
  3. just had an idea, is it possible to add a condition when using flight form that the spell is out of combat use?
  4. Similar happenned to me while farming it ignored a mob to mine(thats ok), then he tried to get back on flying form but has he was in combat so he got on ground form. He walked for a bit to farm next node and then got back on flying. No log sorry
  5. I want to get a gathering profile to work on grinding mode. Before i work hard on notepad trying to get it right, does someone knows an easier way? The reason why i want to do this is to farm certain mobs at the same time.
  6. using your aszuna profile, on the brink quest, it just wants to prowl instead of channelling Great work im waiting on your stormheim profile :)
    Tested for an hour Running on lvl 108 763 ilvl paly holy very well Often pulling 6-7 mobs Died once from drowning Pulled a rare and went very close to an elite 170 raw gold per hour 10 greys per hour 5 greens per hour no blues yet 60 silk per hour Nice for lvling if you dont have no farming professions
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Consecretion, Judgment, Holy Fire, Crusader Strike Flash of light at 80% Simple but works well
  8. Version 1.0.1


    Boulderfist orges in north of nagrand aslo give you kurenai rep
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Hellfire simple grinder in the trench in the middle works good for me watch for pvp
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