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    Zontir reacted to Apexx in Which server and version?   
    I have played Warmane on and off for a long time now and was never caught.. I cannot speak for other people's experiences though.
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    Zontir reacted to Zampadudel in how is Botting in Warmane ?   
    I just got hit with a ban too.
    Was only using wRotation and manually strafing BG's
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    Zontir reacted to momoxil21 in Mesh   
    Yeah, where?, anyone  can upload it ?
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    Zontir reacted to blackeye in force loot   
    I found an addon that solves the issue
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    Zontir reacted to S13 in Gather profile creation - 5 mins   
    How do i add a mailbox to a profile ?
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