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Posts posted by KevinVapes

  1. 1 hour ago, Dreamful said:

    So yeah, then its a problem with a Vendor that has mutiple options like a, Repair Vendor with Quest, Innkeepers with the Option to make their new Home and beside that where you can buy food/drinks.

    Well i thought the same, but as i added the vendor manually to my profile it worked.. dunno whats the matter here.. maybe a bug in the NPC Database i dont know. Manually adding NPC as target in the profile worked for me.

  2. 1 hour ago, knights said:

    Do not Sell is not selling.. you should only put those that you do not want to sell in the left box



    Maybe my message was missunderstanding, i know what "Do not sell list" is :D I had a few items in my inventroy that cant be sold anyway, so i thought he looped there and tried to sell and again and again and so on.. but its more the repping, because he sells everything just fine, he just wont rep.

    12 minutes ago, Dreamful said:

    I have the same bug on 3.3.5 Bot Version, but only on innkeeper.

    your vendor is a Innkeeper too, @KevinVapes ?

    Vendor is not really an "Innkeeper" but you just cant really "one click" the vendor, you got to klick trough 2 menus to get to the vendorwindow if you know what i mean and you can rep there too. First i will try to give the bot a vendor by myself (he picked it automatically from npc database i guess because i didnt really assign that vendor anyway), and second i will stop giving guildbank-rep-access. I really think it has something to do with that.

  3. I can reproduce this everytime. I use the bot to farm in Pandaria at the moment (Alani Mount), it seems that it only happens when he also needs to repair. However when i restart the bot it works flawless. Log says the same everytime "Try to sell items (1)" "Try to repair (1)" but nothing really happens, he opens and closes the vendor window every 30 seconds. 

  4. 43 minutes ago, eeny said:

    I tried almost everything i can think of and the procs didnt work.  Buff, buffstack and a LUA code to check buff present all fell short.

    Have you considered Arcane/ Fire :mellow:

    Well that helps me at least that im not alone with this. Thank you.
    Not i didnt consider another specc, since proccs are almost in every class/specc i can think of, i dont know for mage for sure. I dont think this should be too hard to fix though.

  5. Hi guys,

    my bot is not able to sell items anymore. I created a simple grinding profile to lvl up but, when bags are full he goes to the right vendor but will just open the bags and the window from the vendor. After a while he closes it and repeats that. When i check the "Ingame-Tab" it just say "To Town: Sell items (Try 1)" thats it. 

    Am i missing something? Are there known issues with this?

    EDIT: As i write this he sold the items... but only after i stopped and started the bot again several times.. 4th time did it for me. Any ideas?

  6. Hi guys,

    i dont know if this is asked alot, or its a bug, i dont know. But im wondering what am i doing wrong with my fightclass. It does not work the way as intended. Here is a screenshot attached. All what my bot is doing is CORRECTLY cast Ice Barrier and start fights with Orb of frost, and then only using "Flurry" and "Frostbolt" he doesnt even care for Proccs/Buffs no matter what. I didnt even know what i changed last time, i played around with the conditions a bit and then he used Ice Lance and Flurry randomly, but still not happy with this result. The bot should use Flurry ONLY when Brain Freeze Proccs, and Ice lance everytime Fingers of frost is at least one time available.

    I should mention that i play with a german language client. Even when i type the spellnames in german no change. Maybe someone can tell me if it matters to insert Buffnames/Proccnames in english or clientlanguage. Also you cant see the condition for flurry in this screenshot its "Condition: Buff" Need: True Name: Brain Freeze.

    Help me to get the idea of this. Thank you!



  7. 10 hours ago, Bimmel said:

    Danke, hab den Bot heute erst gefunden, hatte sonst nichts mit botten :) am Hut. Bin mir gerade Tutorial ansehen was das Grinding Profil angeht. 

    Nichts zu danken, dir können auch viele andere helfen, aber dazu darfst du nicht im deutschen Teil des Forums schreiben, hier gibt es leider zu wenige die dir helfen können. Vielleicht Runaro, oder ich. Im Englischen Teil (also ganz normal im Support-Thread) kann dir jeder helfen :) sogar Droidz (Entickler von WRobot). Solltest du nich weiterkommen, oder Hilfe brauchen, hilft dir gerne jemand. Du kannst mir auch gerne eine PM schreiben.

  8. 8 hours ago, LunaAlfie said:


    I`ve been on a different Bot for a while but it`s starting to drive me nuts, that you have to pay extra for anything. Want to grind in Draenor - Pay 20 Bucks. Oh you want to collect herbs? That 10 Bucks... Combat? Suck that 30 Bucks... That`s all what Honorbuddy does at the Moment, everything needs a Profile and every Profile costs extra Money, which is why i`m searching for a new Bot...


    Is WRobot the same or is it any better? I really don`t mind smal bugs and such as long as they get fixed when i report them, i just don`t want to download and buy a whole new "thing" for everything i´m planning to do. I can`t seem to be able to try WRobot which is the reason opening this Post and all in all, how is the Combat routines with the new Patch?

    Well compared to honorbuddy (which i never used) its not that easy. You will not have that huge amount of profiles floating around here. But it is easy and simple to create your own if you invest some time. Its ultra easy to create a grinding profile and we have a lots of tutorials inhere. Basically you just click everything together, with an easy Profileeditor. Even Questingprofiles, Fightclasses, Herbing/Mining etc can be found. Of course a few bugs here and there, but therefor you have this small community here, which is always there to help and easy to overview, not like Honorbuddys community.

  9. 2 hours ago, Bimmel said:

    Ok hab mir den Bot mal gekauft, installiert ist er auch.Beim konfigurieren muss ich eine FightClass auswählen.Ist damit gemeint mein  Char ingame ? Das wäre ein Todesritter und er soll erstmal nur questen, aber irgendwie scheint das noch nicht so richtig zu funktionieren mit dem was ich so einstelle.

    Könnte mir jemand kurz erklären was ich machen muss damit er losläuft und die Quest abarbeitet ?

    Unter Fightclass Death Knight steht  "No files in this category yet"im Downloadbereich. Was trage ich somit im Bot ein ? 

    Du hättest dich lieber vorher informieren sollen. Der Bot brauch zum einen eine Fightclass. Das ist, wie der Name schon sagt, das Kampfprofil deines Bottes und bestimmt wie er Mobs bekämpft. Du bestimmst selbst welche Zauber/Buffs wann, wie, wo benutzt werden sollen. Auch hier gibt es fertige FightClasses zum downloaden, ist aber recht simpel seine eigene zu erstellen. Im Tutorial-Bereich gibt es überall Tutorials und oder Videos, sofern du der englischen Sprache mächtig bist. Als Zweites benötigst du ein Profil. Das besagt was der Bot machen soll, also farmen, questen, grinden oder, oder, oder. Es gibt leider keine fertigen Profile, bei welchem du einfach auf Start klickst und der Bot macht dich über Nacht von Level 1 auf 100. So ein Profil würde niemand für umme hier reinstellen. Eigeninitiative ist gefragt, oder du schaust dich im Profilbereich um :)

  10. Hey guys, i had a Wrobot-Update today, probably for Pre-Patch which came out today, unfortunately we "ze germans" get patch a little later - tomorrow. Is this the reason why i get this error or am i wrong? Not that bad if cant bot for one day.

  11. 3 hours ago, BetterSister said:

    Relogger data is saved only on your computer. Only basic info like your ip and how many bots you got running is the only thing that is sent to wrobot servers. We aren't like google or Microsoft that will send report to their servers even if you fart with mic on... 

    And yes that's correct 

    I should try that out!

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