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Everything posted by KevinVapes

  1. Thanks for your help y'all! Unfortunately link still does not work. Either with WRobot-Update itself (after the message) or here at the download section of WRobot. Also i have it installed already, maybe not the correct one i dont know. EDIT: Nevermind it works now! Deinstalled it, because it was x64. installed latest x86 works now. Thank you all!
  2. Hey guys, few words to my current situation: Had to format my PC. I saved my WRobot folder and all my profiles. Try to start WRobot it says it found an Update. It will Update 2 files, but brings an Error message (Process wrobot.dll already in use) I can show you a screenshot tomorrow. After that it says i need to udpate my directx - when i klick okay it will open the updatesite but the link is not available anymore. Also SlimDX link on the WRobot-Downloadsite is also not available, maybe update it :) I downloaded SlimDX by myself - problem still exists. Help please :) ? EDIT: I also see that the error message in my attached screenshot is not the same anymore. Its an other error.
  3. Not only that, i can imagine a LOT of huge pathing problems, since the new areas are much edgy, or with a lot of heights and mountains. I was getting stuck alot everywhere troughout the expansion and i was playing manually! If i imagine leaving WRobot running without my supervision i highly doubt it will go well. BUT, im always open for suprises!
  4. Just dont mind it. Playing frostmage too and i tried everything, its not possible via fightclass editor. It still casts it a random, its kinda buggy.
  5. Well as said before, i am currently botting since 4 hours now
  6. Good times. Just for the record i can login now and started my botacc with relogger, i have no problems, WRobot runs just fine, also not hit by any banwave <3
  7. I see it the same. They did this in the past though, people were getting 3 free days due to a lot of downtime.
  8. How does blizz loses money by a little offtime? The subs are running anyway, or am i thinking wrong?
  9. I dont understand the message behind those attacks... what are they trying to proof?
  10. Thought so. How can a big fckin gaming-company like blizzard get down by little script-kiddys DDos-Attacks, i dont get it. Every bullshit-company is DDos-Secured.
  11. Has to do with BNet-itself i guess. I have huge login problems since yesterday and get DCed while logging in.
    Read my description. Its mentioned there. I dont know how to avoid the tents.
  12. Uploaded an updated Version, which i only tested a couple of hours. Added Pathing instead of Hot-Spots. Im happy for feedback.
  13. Well, as i dont know HOW Wrobot uses your resources i cant really specify here.. the whole NoDX-Thingy sounded so logical to me, but you already tested this without success. Maybe Droidz can bring some light in this darkness.
  14. Sorry to hear, thought this could be it. Well any addons that might disturb anything cant be it, since you turned everything off right? If drivers are also up to date, you might wanna try with another game? Dont try WoW maybe something diffrent, so we know if it is the hardware or not.
  15. I can only speak to myself - with an lvl 100 frostmage doing this a few times a week. Bot did this two times, because 2-3 players were nearby killing everything off. Else im alone in this area and this does not happen. I could try using a pathing, but well this does the job for me.
  16. Indeed just purchased one a few days ago.
  17. Had a similar issue in valley with my Alani profile too. He went to a vendor but didnt sell or repair, just open and close the vendor window frequently. I had to add a vendor manually and then everything went fine. He is under the plattform on the ground, below the flying master.
  18. As BetterSister already said: Its noob friendly, but not idiot friendly. Thats sums it up so well. If you are willing to put a little into it and take your time, you will be rewarded with a very good product.
  19. Hi guys, another question, cuz i dont know which condition to use to make my fightclass a little more complex. Is there a condition to use a specific AoE, lets say only if i get attacked by more than 3 enemys? Thats it for now :) Thanks in advance! Best Regards
  20. Thank you Droidz! Maybe we/you should think about integrating an option for this in "General Settings", just like "Randomly jump sometimes". So even users can use this that do not have any programming/IT-Knowledge.
  21. Hey guys, i think this question was already asked a lot but i will still go for it. Is there any possible chance for WRobot while using a Rangeclass/Casterclass etc, to hold a specific range to a mob, or else walk backwards when you have frozen your target for example. I know that if you cant stun or hold the mob in position, the bot will try to walk backwards in a endless loop unable to cast again. But still it would definately look more humanlike. How you guys handle this?
  22. I dont think its HB only which is in the crosshair. Its just the developer who was dumb enough to fight with blizzard in the court and also win it... its just blizzards revenge now aiming at HB users. Else they would not have given a damn i think. And what do we learn about this? Dont fck with blizzard..Droidz! :D
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