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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. New update 1-25 is done ! I'm thinking about releasing 1-30 very soon :)
  2. I mean it would be stupid to create a custom path for tunning in 1 quest, but i just though i wouldent be the only one that had trouble with a "major" city. so i think it should be something droidz should take a look at
  3. The bot have no clue how to navigate to thunder bluff - i keeps running into the wall around the city instead of taking the "fly thingy" up
  4. its not a problem, i just waited 12 min in org just standing waiting for the npc to come by- and that looks pretty stupid
  5. What do we do about these "wandering" npcs ? - do the bot just have to say and wait for it to come by, or can we actually follow the path to find them or something? https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?quest=235#comments
  6. I have one that works :-) if you want to check out the C# codes i have used Moonkin Endgame.xml
  7. you kinda have to be more specific, what profile did you use, what game version, what fightclass and so on. Might be helpfull if you share your logs as well :)
  8. im working on it at the moment :) but understand it is a LOOOOONG progress :)
  9. Hi @Droidz As I'm going along with the questing profile, I have to make it grind some parts (to keep up with lvls) But grinding a whole lvl is pretty crazy, as I sometimes just need like 3bars + quest turn ins. So is it possible to make it like "grind to lvl 47 & 10 bars instead of 48? Ofc in the "this step is a grinder" in the quester :)
  10. I have 2 testers, but I'm slowly progress as I need a high lvl toons to do the quest faster! So if anyone have a horde that haven't done quests - lvl 50 + i would be very interesting in the account. Will ofc credit with a free profile for leveling :) pm me if you have that - server doesn't matter as long as it is on vanilla
  11. and the unit dident attack before it was attacked 9 feb 2017 10H21 - JQeSt.log.html
  12. It's a bot issue. I have made a couple of mage profiles as well and even if I max the item count it still does it.
  13. Strange - mine does it :) But hey just a + if I'm the only one I guess
  14. The bot keeps respawning in fighting range of mobs, and it makes it dies unnessary (Way to much)
  15. As the title says, the bot stands to far away from the NPC to interact. both to pick up quest, and to vendor/repair
  16. The bot seems to just revive instant even though i died and normally have to wait xxx secounds before revive. This could make the bot very easy to spot
  17. Hello boys and girls. As the title says, I need a tester for my vanilla (alliance) leveling questing profile. When the profile is complete it will cost around 20-25 euro, so here is your chance to get it free (but I'll kick you out of the product if your to lazy) If anyone is interested in this - send me a pm with a quick "why should i pick you" (the profile is running 1-25 right now, but expect 1-40 in max 1 month.) People found - so its closed for now.
  18. Started the project today (for horde this time though) Finished: 1-5 Troll/orc In progress: 15-20 Troll/orc This will follow the VanillaGuide as close as possible (so far 100 %) Takes pretty long as i have to level with the profile while i create it
  19. The bot seems to cast a spell, and before the spells hits, it target another mob, and this way it pulls to many mobs, and die. is there a fix for this?
  20. The bot seems to have huge problem knowing when it is in the water It trying to drink/eat under water, and it is drowning just standing in the water trying to regren. It also don't swim down to the mobs to loot them, but instead getting stuck in the surface.
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