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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. Hi again again Just found out the bot don't loot in Travel form under water - it runs to the killed mobs - and then continue swimming
  2. Hi again again xD Another feature that would be really handy is the option to set a Max hight distance to flight mount - or reather an option to "just fly above the ground" As some zones is pretty much impossible to fly around in (becouse of something "above you")
  3. Use item on x colleted items Like quest: "Helboar, The Other white mean" This and many more quests you have to pick up some drops from mobs and after the pickup you need to use an item or spell in the bag to create a New item (the quest item)
  4. Hi again ! There are quite some quests that don't allow you to use items on stuff or take rides and so on if you are in a shapeshift form, mounted or in stealth. So i would really really like to see a feature where you could disable this before using the item/talk to npc . As this really stops the Leveling profiles from running fully afk :)
  5. You can try to send me a PM with the fightclass then i can take a look at mangle if you want :) not sure what you have done wrong
  6. Style.lbz Agreed the quest profiles are still a little buggy, mostly becouse not that many people have been running though them - but they are getting better and better :) I woulden't use archeology for leveling - not that is it not fast, but SOOO easy to spot, and normally contains a decent amount of player reports for beeing a bot. If i had to choose how to lvl a new toon up, i would run a quester to lvl 15 then play dungoen for myself after that, as that is still pretty funny :-) And if i dident have the time for that, then i would just start a quester and then have it on the secound monitor while i'm douing something els on the main screen.
  7. Okay easy fix - go ingame go the decidered form. Then open wrobot, and open the Fightclass creator from there :) Its in one of the last tabs. The you should have all the spells :)
  8. Okay :) for the rake use this C Sharp code: wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.BuffTimeLeft(new List<uint> { RakeID }) >= 1000 Inset the rake id yourself, and the 1000 can be changed to your needs And for the mangle - Ehm guess you have to make some other conditions or simply move it up in "rank" in the fightclass so it will be checked for first. Hope this helps
  9. Hi Would really like to see a feature where you could add cooldown on an item you should use on something, in the questing bot. As some items have like 15 sec cooldown !
  10. No one can say anything for sure. But normally they only ban the acc- where they have spotted the bot, and not the whole "bnet" account. - But again it also depends on how you get all the stuff to you main account :)
  11. Just start the bot - run the profile - and then the bot download it
  12. You dont have to do anything mate. The bot will download what is needed, but it just means the first time you go to a New place it will have to buffer a bit
  13. Thats the beautiful part, it download as you run a long- exploreing New stuff
  14. Hmm i would need to check it on the private server, before i can say anything for sure ;(
  15. Think at it like a map: Untill you have explored (in this case downloaded) the diffent zone of the map, you can't see whats the map are holden. So what it means is " the bot need to download the map" to be able to "see / use " the map :) - This is simply made, so you only need to download a very small file to get the bot going, instead of downloading like 400 mb of maps hope this explained it :)
  16. A feature like "Me in stealth - Ignore mobs not attacking" or something :-) Right now it does it like 50/50 goes around look at a mob, and then deside if it want to attack or not
  17. Never mind - it started to work somehow :S
  18. The Totems - "put on ground" dosent work :/ http://imgur.com/a/sz7Mn
  19. Hi I am looking for a way to set a specific Specialization on toons running a quest profile. - either though the fightclasses i make or though the questing profile (preferable the first one) Also looking for something that can set Talents points when reaching level 15-30-45-60 and so on. - either though the fightclasses i make or though the questing profile (preferable the first one) Anyone have any idea how to get this done?
  20. yes it will be for human ;-) And if all goes well it should be released next week - its all done, but bug fixing att :)
  21. 1. How should anyone answer that ? - we are pretty sure the bot never been detected, but how many people that will report you, that would only be a guess and depend on a lot of stuff 2. Guildbank, AH ? 3. If the bot or the gold never been connected with the Main acc then no
  22. http://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/778451-classic-server-update/ Update -
  23. If blizzard don't annonce legacy servers i will upload some profiles :) but will keep them private untill I know more @blizzcon
  24. Hey guys, i downloaded this custom profile: with following settings: /* _________________ * * Settings: * _________________ */ public const string Message = "Hello, how are you?"; // Message at send. public const bool SendWhispers = false; // put 'true' to send whispers at all nearest players, put 'false' to send messages to the selected ChannelId public const string ChannelId = "2"; // channel id (2 == trade) public const int EverySeconds = 40; // Time in seconds between two send How can i change the Channel ID to the SAY Channel ? I really appreciate any help. Greetings. So far i can see the "2"; is done like typed like /2 ingame to get to trade. So have you tried to put in the "say"/"yell"/"tell" or whatever instead of the "2" ?
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