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File Reviews posted by loves2spooge


       784    0


    Same issues as I reported on that file. Please expand on the function and I will gladly improve the rating. I do not recommend using a FC this simple as it is SUPER likely to cause a BAN. 


       436    0

    This is an entirely too basic of a profile and a GREAT way to get banned. If anyone see's you using this profile in any situation they will be able to tell you are not an actual player. You need to add some conditional actions and more spells, many more spells.

    Apologies for being so harsh but this will not work as an unattended to any degree and I want to make sure no one gets banned trying to use it. If you make adjustments I will be happy to update my review. Here is a good example of how to build/list a profile, sorry that it is old but I just recently returned to this community. 


  1. Overall great profile. It seems to have some trouble with multi-target. Some flaws:

    - When more than a few targets are engaged and HP is low enough to require healing after fight it prioritizes healing over looting (normally ok) but it ends up bugging the loot so I can't skin/loot mobs. Something to look into please

    - Adjust the multi-target fighting so it uses it's control spells a little better

    - Please update for 7.15 changes


    Otherwise it's great man. Good work! If you don't end up adjusting it soon I will try to rebuild and upload.

    I adjusted the HP % when at rest for casting FoL down to 75 so we will see if this helps.

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