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Posts posted by loves2spooge

  1. I disagree with Droidz. The questing profiles are very challenging to create and take a LOT of time to code and configure. I would recommend you take a few hours to create one and see just how hard it is. If you feel it's easier and they shouldn't be charged for, make a few of your own and share them with us. 

    If one person (you) makes profiles and DOESN'T charge for them, then others will follow suit. The bot is VERY reasonably priced so a little extra money for profiles that work really well is perfectly acceptable and I fully support it. The questing profiles available are phenomanal and took an insane amount of time to code. They save me SO much time and it's not like you have to buy for each toon. :) Sorry for being harsh but it's the truth.

    TL:DR ~ Paid profiles are worth paying for. If you are dissatisfied, make your own. :)


  2. I am having the same issue. I restart wow multiple times, restart computer. update Bot. Same message. It shows "in use" on all my wow instances...


    Btw I am able to launch. I just click yes and it launches the bot fine and works just fine. But the messages popping up are annoying and worrying. 



  3. I am interested in adding an "if" for when you are attacked by Elites. I want my rogue to Vanish and then run away or just stand there for a few seconds and let mob patrol away. That or move on to next target. If anyone could help I would appreciate it.






    I use [shai]MutilateRogue fight class currently.

  4. I am having a bit of trouble when my pet is fighting a mob I have not previously engaged. So basically I will engage 5-6 mobs, my pet will pick one to focus on, once my toon has downed all the mobs except the one the pet is fighting, he just stands there. He doesn't start fighting w/ the pets mob until the pet dies and then the mob attacks my toon at which point my toon fights. Any ideas on how to avoid this? It happens w/ Shamans and DK's. 


    I am using [KingSmilie] DK frost and my own [spooge]Elemental Shaman fight class.





  5. I would reinstall the bot. Download a fresh version from the site here and uninstall old version then install new version fresh. I was getting the same hook error but ONLY when my wow account was loading. Like after hearthing or something.



  6. I do ALL of these things as well and I have no problems. Buy the unlimited account. It works great. I installed my wRobot into dropbox. The only complaint I have is when I open it on another computer the serial key is all jacked up so I have to enter it in. Only happens the first time I open on a new computer. It then saves the serial key and on other computers it LOOKS jacked up but is functional. No biggie really. Probably something to do w/ dropbox.


    I have usually 3-6 accounts running on my system at once. I have had friends over during LAN's that use wRobot as well and they run it fine from my IP though most of us use some kind of proxy or VPN to hide ourselves when we can...just to be safe for botting.



  7. Ur kidding right? My realm is "Full". Everywhere is a high traffic area. That is exactly what I am saying though. There is no way anyone is using this successfully on a normal/high population realm lol. There isn't a "low traffic" area on my entire realm with the exception of old world areas, farming matts that are no longer valuable is idiotic though. The entire concept of pausing when someone is around is stupid. I can understand pausing if someone HAS been around you for like 30sec or more. But IF-someone THEN pause...I just don't get it I guess.



  8. If "Pause bot when player near" is activated, it flies 50ft then says, player near in the log and pauses. I look around and there is a player there.. duh. So then I let it sit there, an HOUR could go by before that person leaves the area. THEN my toon starts moving, gets another 50ft and is near a quest-hub...paused again. It is working correctly I am just wondering who is using it SUCCESSFULLY. 



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