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Posts posted by loves2spooge

  1. Going to need more information.


    Which BG's. Are you getting kicked because people are talking to you and you aren't responding? Are they seeing you looking like a bot and kicking? Are you afk'n? Is the toon LEAVING the BG on its own? Can you run the bot until he leaves BG and gets debuff then post ur log?

  2. Ok, thank you. I do not foresee this resolving the issue but I will give it a try. The issue is MOSTLY noticed when it needs to travel vertically then over ANY distance to get to next node. Not just nodes that are nearby. I think this will help w/ the ones that are w/in X distance but beyond that, I fear it will still fly irregularly.


    Thanks for attempting a fix nonetheless.



  3. I haven't had a chance to test this but looking in Fight Class editor, won't it just spam Fire elemental totem even after it casts it once? Also how did the Lua script for Searing Totem work?


    Also, FlameTongue, does that work pretty well?


    What are the conditions of Earth Shock, does he spam it? Shouldn't it wait for 6-7 stacks of Lightning shield?

    Has anyone tried this Class?

  4. I would recommend putting a post in Bug/Suggestions Report


    The developers are really good about reading them and if it is a logical fix they usually take care of it very quickly. I understand your concern since it SHOULD be able to be left unattended for long periods of time especially if we talking about an account that you don't care about. For the most part I am seeing it can be run unattended and if they fix the "ressing" issue than it totally can!


    As I say, if you post in Bug/Suggestions you should at least get a response. Here is not the best place.




  5. Just thought of something, if we do some kind of LFR, what tells it to wait for tank to pull, if we write a "Grinder" type profile, who is to say it wouldn't just start running and pulling lol.

  6. I have been playing around w/ WRotation and Party and my own custom class see attch.


    I am not sure the Fight Class is casting all the spells I want, it seems to pass over my buffs frequently. Like Natures Vigal and others.


    Tell me what you think about the FC, maybe that is the issue. I can pull 70k dps by hand, but even against training dummy only pulling 40k or less. Is that just the bot, if so, meh, but if it is my FC that would be nice if I could adjust.


    Party Mode in Scenario





    WRotation against Training Dummy




    Thanks in advance.


    EDIT* My FC doesn't seem to be uploading... Here is the basic



    Checks Moonkin Form buff

    Checks Motw buff

    Keeps Moonfire and Sunfire up

    Uses Barkskin whenever up

    Uses rejuv under 70% hp

    Uses Natures Vigil when up

    Uses Celestial Align when up

    Uses starfall when up

    Starsurge when free

    Renewal at 40% hp



    Seems to work well but DPS is pretty low. Tell me what you think, what you would change.





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