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  1. Depuis la mise a jour de la 7.3.5 Firestorm on changer le nom de wow.exe a firestorm.exe. Renommer Firestorm.exe a wow.exe Effacer tout ce qui s appelle wow64.exe et firestorm64.exe N utilisez pas le Laucher de Firestorm. Il va download les fichier manquant. Un raccourcie sur le Bureau. ?
  2. Droidz pouvez vous rajoutez firestorm.exe dans la detection de World of Warcraft ?
  3. Rename Firestorm.exe to wow.exe And delete firestorm64.exe Do not take firestorm laucher
  4. Rename Firestorm.exe to wow.exe And delete firestorm64.exe Do not take firestorm laucher
  5. Version 007


    7.1.5 BM Hunter Build 007 - James Bond Build :) Bestial Wrath - Option ON or OFF CD Open World Aspect of the Wild - Option ON or OFF Open World Fix Bestial Wrath PvP Fix Bestial Raid Fix Aspect of the Wild PvP Fix Aspect of the Wild Raid Multi-Shot better Build 006 Raid Ready Fix Rotation for Raid and Dongeons Best build Dire Stable or wait of the cobra ( Focus your choice ) Dire Frenzy You Choice Bestial Fury Your Choice A Murders of Crows Killer Cobra Survival pvp better Build 005 Debug and tune up Build 004 Stampede PVP Intimidation PVP Fix :Dire Beast :Basilisk Build 003 Fix :Dire Beast :Hawk Build 002 PVP Support Dire Beast :Hawk Dire beast :Basilisk Spider Sting PVE Support 15 ALL 30 Chimeara shot (dont work) 45 ALL 60 ALL 75 Player 90 Barrage (dont work) 100 ALL
  6. je comprend que ca desactive le DirectX , Mais ca change quoi ? ( Performance du bot ?) Ou je peux trouver cette information ? Merci
  7. Je Sais pas pour la ca marche , mais tantot ca marchais pas. J ai rien fais. Merci quand meme :P
  8. 1 account work , and another account crash wow. crap
  9. i run wrobot app , On client 32bits, I click lauch bot and wrobot kill wow procress. No error message
  10. Wrobot crash wow
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