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Everything posted by tomowock

  1. tomowock

    Selling item

    (je vais répondre en Français ce sera plus simple avec toi) Dans les logs il n'y a rien d'indiqué concernant les items, il n'y a pas d'indication sur ce qu'il a vendu donc je n'ai pas la preuve pour démontrer mon probleme. Par contre je peux te donner le début et la période où il vend : Quand il vend :
  2. tomowock

    Selling item

    Hi, i've found a bug to the wrobot. When the bag is full, he sell every item without the white list. but in a second time, he sell epic item too .. i've tried to disable and enable it, but still got the probleme. Someone else saw that ?
  3. Salut tout le monde, je vais expliquer mon probleme en français ce sera plus simple, et je crois que droidz est Fr. Je créer a chaque fois des profils de Grinder. Le truc, c'est qu'au bout d'un moment, mon bot se met en mode "IDLE" et "looting" a 1km a coté de la zone pour taper un mob je ne sais pourquoi. j'ai refais 20x les création, toujours pareil. Je ne comprend pas comment ça ce fait . Un petit coup de pouce serais le bien venu . Merci a toutes et a tous d'avance
  4. I've got some problem with this profile. I always take ur profile Droidz, but this time my bot is : Movement loop / Idle log : (Path finding) Path count :2. i cant move. What's the problem ? can i help for something ?
  5. I've tried, but i think that don't work or i dunno how to setup this plugin. He's "On" . But my hunt still focus one by one. :( and no information on the plugin page
  6. Thank you ! i'll try it today
  7. Thanks for your answer Runaro. i've sub the bot ;) Now i want to farm the invasion, but i dunno how to Dot every mob arround me, just dot and run for Xmin and relogg for reset the invasion. i know how to disconnect and relogg. but not only dot&run Can you help me a bit ? :D would be awesome
  8. Hello guys, Any news about a profil for the Invasion ? cause, i found a lil fail about the invasion. Go for the invasion > do the 1 and 2 round -> Logout on the 3rd -> relogg after 15sec and u'll be on an other interserver of Invasion, then u comeback to the 1st round. When the invasion is closed soon, loggout before the end, wait 15sec and relogg and u'll get another 1h50 of invasion ;) Someone can do a profil for this ? And btw, u just have to dot every mob and u'll get full Xp, and u've to dot the 3 boss at the 2nd Round and dot the last boss on the 2nd round, and u'll Up very faster. THe negativ point : u got no gift in the end (ps : Sorry for my eng, i do my best :D)
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