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Mr. Robot

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File Comments posted by Mr. Robot

    Drwolf BM Hunter

       2738    21
    On 9/7/2016 at 1:13 PM, marty said:

    it wont revive or call my pet it trys but the bot wants to keep moving anyone else having a problem with it thankyou

    You have to edit the file with Notepad. Go 8 lines down and change "Call Pet 3" to whatever your pet number is, like "Call Pet 1" if you only have one pet or want to use the first one.

  1. This is pretty good but it stopped on me a few times so I wouldn't feel comfortable enough to start it and walk away. Here are a few things I noticed in case you want to look into it:

    On one of the early quests you have to kill a female boss character. I don't remember the name. It sat there as if waiting for her to appear. When she finally did my character just stood there without doing anything. I targeted her myself but it had no effect. I finally had to pause the bot, kill her myself, then start it again.

    On another quest it was supposed to release about 6 captives. I guess it was working fine in the beginning because I didn't notice anything until it was on 5 of 6 for a really long time. It kept walking into the little huts and right past the captive without clicking them. I finally had to stop the bot and click to release the last one myself before starting it again.

    On another quest it was supposed to click some crystals on the ground. It kept walking past those without clicking any of them. I had to do all those by myself before starting the bot again.

    Those were the main issues I remember. I was playing a level 102 BM Hunter in case that helps.


    Mr. Robot

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