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Everything posted by schizofreen

  1. Hi friendly people, currently I am using the destrolock fightclass that's in the downloads. This class only does incinerate but still kills mobs rather fast, I wonder if there is any way for someone to add chaos bolt the fight class whenever there's a burning ember ( generated by incinerate, each chaos bolt uses 1 of them). And maybe for the lock to drain life if under 25% and do health funnel if pet is under 25%.... I WOULD be so grateful, please help me!!!
  2. changed it but still didnt work ... anyone ?@!
  3. thanks for uploading!! :)
  4. Hello, my mage wont enter combat after hitting level 10 and its frustrating the hell out of me. When it goes into combat it does however defend himself perfectly, PLEASE HELP ME!!! ps. i tried replacing the text frostbolt with frostfirebolt but that didnt work... i need a good mage profile :*( pps. i tried A LOT of other mage profiles, all give me same problem. Mage-Frost.xml
  5. THe standard ones, I am higher level now and this profile is no problem. but its the stand profiles that come with it. sometimes they come across a monster thats half in a wall or that cant reach me and it evades ( ofc ). Dont know if the bot automatically goes to another monster?
  6. good job, thanks!
  7. When my toon has to run through water but then starts attacking some mobs evade and it just keeps shooting it forever, how to solve?
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