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Everything posted by Ruinit

  1. Thanks camelot10 for making all these rotations! Priest doesn't seem to want to cast shadow word :Pain consistently? Actually barely ever However vampiric touch seems to cast fine, sometimes double but I looked at setting they look the same can you check it?
  2. Yea I have separate objectives set up the problem is it does obj1, 2, 3, 4 in order instead of the easy thing and do them all at one time :( running past items I need to pick up or different mobs I need to kill for the same quest. You would think "while" would mean while I am killing crap if you see one of these things you need ... pick the damn thing up don't run by it lol
  3. I tried while action but it didn't work the way I intended. What I want to do is do 4 objectives at the same time in the same area? Gather a few things, kill a few different things all at the same time rather than run past mobs I need to kill. Is there anyway to do this? Thanks in advance.
  4. geez dude what does that have to do with this profile? I have used every one of his legion profiles they all work
  5. How do you move to the next step when you have a quest that requires you to gossip with 3 separate npc's but you never get an item? So pulse talk to 1 npc, pulse the next one then pulse the last one then quest is ready to turn in? I set up 3 separate objectives, I set them to true to automatically check if complete, that didn't work then tried 1 for objective complete that didn't work either then tried having both lol I get nothing in bags to check for item's etc How can I make bot understand that this step is done goto the next one?
  6. Do I need to change this in any way? I checked is c# and it's usescript and pasted exactly what you have in script box but it will only interact with 1 page not the second page at all This is the quest if it helps http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26630/looks-like-a-tauren-pirate-to-me
  7. bump I even put this in before pulse runcode for attack before attacked and it still won't move to the killloot part http://www.wowhead.com/npc=315/stalvan-mistmantle he is an npc if that matters? from log [D] 21:50:30 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged 21:50:30 - [Fight] Can't reach Stalvan Mistmantle, blacklisting it.
  8. When to go to interact with an npc that is moving around for some reason the bot runs in circles trying to figure out a path I guess. Is there any way to prevent this because it looks bottish as hell? Is it a bot bug or?
  9. Been trying this on questing for some reason even after I have 80 conjured mana buns he keeps conjuring? Any way to fix that other than deleting the spell?
  10. I'm sorry do you have an example of how to use this I am not a coder I am just using simple quest tool
  11. I understand how to gossip with npc and make selection on page 1, how do you gossip with page 2 or 3 after first selection? Basically you make selection from page one and page 2 pops up and you have to make another selection and so on. Thanks
  12. Is there any code for not fighting back at all? I need to run to a spot quickly and use item on a spot for this quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27161/the-endless-flow The problem is there is a ton of mobs spawning fast and as a clothie I can't even get near the spot because bot stops and dismounts to defend self and I just die over and over.
  13. Can someone make a plugin to Disenchant all items in bags based on quality? Green/Blue etc? Can be a profile also. Yes I know TSM does it mouse over but rather not do that unless I have to. Pm me price
  14. Does anyone have an example of this quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27000/learning-the-ropes ? You are to mount a horse and scare some spiders. I set up and interactwithnpc to mount the horse but there are 10 horses in the area and it keeps trying to interact with them? It seems to not understand that I have already done this step. Seems like there should be a run once setting or something so it would move to next objective. Any help would be great
  15. Nevermind I did some digging and I guess it wouldn't work because the portal is considered a npc. For anyone else I just made a quest and did interactwithnpc and it takes portal
  16. Ok cool got it to work. Thanks very new to this :(
  17. I used your example and this worked thank you for helping me! How do I keep it from looping though even with return Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(26600); in completed condition it keeps going back and forth buying the 2 items from vendors?
  18. Droidz can you look at this please the teleport location is in the while but it will pick up quest and then try an run to flightmaster in bootybay. I am just not getting this :( TheBattleforAndorhalPortal.xml
  19. Yes I had endwhile but no the instructions in your portal example doesn't say put in position where the portal takes me lol I will try that and see if I can get it to work thank you for the help.
  20. Is there a way to buy item from vendor to do a quest? I need to buy 1 item from 2 different vendors to do this quest. http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26600/a-giants-feast Thanks
  21. I followed the portal example but I can't seem to get it to work. I have checked the vectors and the objectid. This prints to log can anyone see what I did wrong or is it broken? [D] 17:06:42 - [Quester] While[77] (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(-14470.6f, 468.559f, -30.71972f)) <10) | Result: True [D] 17:06:42 - [Quester] RunCode[78]: var position = new Vector3(-14470.6f, 468.559f, -30.71972f); int objEntryId = 49637; if (wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithGameObject(position, objEntryId)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1500); }
  22. I have a problem with this type of quest. http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26805/to-the-cape You accept the quest and ask flight master to send you to a spot to turn in a quest. My problem is I fly to the spot but instead on turning in the quest he tries to run back to the previous flightmaster and do it again? How do you request from a flight master to be flown to a spot and tell the bot once you are at that spot turn in quest or pulse what you are supposed to do for the quest? I used return Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(26805); but it doesn't recognize that the quest is completed and ready to turn in for some reason It just keeps trying to run back and interact with npc
  23. Tried using this and all I get is tons of errors in wow? ItemsManager.UseItem(58165); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); Thread.Sleep(1000 * 10); 1005x [string "aiHwKuiCDT.lua"]:1: attempt to index global 'ItemsManager' (a nil value) [string "aiHwKuiCDT.lua"]:1: in main chunk I did usescripton and added hotspots did I miss something?
  24. Sorry another question. Is there a way or script to run or use ground mount to a spot when it's far away and I don't know flight path? I tried to go from Stranglehorn to Hinterlands and the bot gets on flight path but flies back and forth to ironforge but won't get on mount and run to hinterlands. Now if I move manually to wetlands he can find his way. Sorry so many questions but I am trying to learn to make a profile from 1-110 :(
  25. Is there any way to use an item at a hotspot or on a target and then wait for a set amount of time before casting use item again? I need to use item and wait and everything I try just has the bot using the item over and over in a loop. Thanks
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