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  1. Version 0.01


    Please note this is a very early version only for the area Garison of the fel I will be adding more when i get them. This does require 24/7 monitoring as not all portals are added and make sure you have assist group members in your settings checked. I will be adding the other spots to this page too please comment down below the coords if you get stuck at anypoint. I am currently working on a FelFire Pass Please note this is for grinder. Also a tip if you are dps that lacks self healing try and get in a group with a healer. The bot doesn't know when its being attack by the fel fire that reins down and follows you so this is one of the reasons it requires 24/7 monitoring The images added show where to start each profile
  2. Thank you!! been stuck on this for awhile :D I was wondering is there a part of the website which you can access all the variables for iscomplete?
  3. Hi I am coding a profile where i have got the bot to go in to the dungeon but where can i find an iscomplete condition for killing a mob that is not a boss in the dungeon?
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