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Everything posted by Garub

  1. Hi everyone, can anyone teach me how to configure? I play Warrior and I always want to hit the enemy's back. I want pluguin to do it. it's possible?
  2. I play warrior, and we have the habit of circling our enemies in the fight (interronpe casts), leaving confused and dizzy, is there any option in Wrobot that does this?
  3. Even though I was a layman I analyzed your code, I think I can easily edit it, I just have a question, I put the coodown in [time> spellsettings> Time] or here [SpellManager.GetSpellCooldownTimeLeft ("Charge") == 0]?
  4. yes it worked perfectly, now how should I proceed to apply this in my Fight Class, I want to boot the same to Intercept. Note:we have to show this to the developer, for him to ka this by default in Wrobot.
  5. I do not know anything about programming, but I can easily learn how to solve problems, if you can guide me, I can do the same.
  6. I did the test and it only worked when the hostile mob saw me and came to fight. In an arena when you want to use the charge, will I have to go into combat first? There would be no way to start when I clicked the right mouse button.
  7. Hello everyone, I creating a Fight Class for my Warrior tank pvp (3.3.5- LK), and I'm facing a problem: The charge does not work (I do not know what I'm doing wrong but it does not start the fight with the ability to charge. Warrior_Prot_xxx.xml 13 mai 2018 14H34.log.html
  8. Hello, I am new to wrobot, I am researching well before making my purchase, I play Warrior Protection PVP (3.3.5), I am having difficulties to create (Fight Class) because I have low proficiency in the English language. I wonder if it is possible to have a translation module for the players to do our own translation? I am Brazilian, my mother tongue is the Portuguese of Brazil. Note: I've already seen the video tutorial for Fight Class Editor
  9. Is the project over? what happened?
  10. For no apparent reason it closes. Is it because my version is trial? (I'm testing WR and I'm glad I already contacted the developer to see the viability of my purchase) 11 mai 2018 02H56.log.html
  11. Thanks for answering my question, but I saw a problem in all this, I was in the game version of the game and I could not get a profile to test. another thing I tried without success was to convert Honorbuddy's profiles, a suggestion would be that this would work, you would have much more success and alcace with WRobot. Thanks for listening.
  12. Sorry for my ignorance, but I tried to test wrobot, but I can not because all the profiles I have downloaded had this message "Sorry, you are not allowed to download this file".
  13. Estou tentando achar no forum, mas ta difícil, nao consigo achar Profile pra upar meu Warrior, muitos post de leveling com essa msg " Sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file" pq n tenho permissão? Estou jogando em um server Vanilla, alguém teria algum Profile por fora 1-60 pra me arranjar?
  14. Ola comunidade, estou querendo voltar a jogar wow, mas não tenho saco pra upar, então estou procurando um bom BOT pra isso, e ate agora o WRobot me parece ser a melhor opção para servidores Privados. Gostaria de saber de vcs onde tem a maior comunidade BR de PVP para jogar arena. (servers Privados) Qual server? A latência é um problema (qual a media)? Qual a media de players? OBS: quero voltar a jogar de Warrior. OBS: não to ligando muito pra qual versão do server.
  15. Garub


    Do you know any that works well?
  16. Garub


    Hi, I saw that there is "WRobot FOR PRIVATE SERVER" does this mean it works on any 1.12.1 server? I'll start playing on: "Set realmlist logon.elysium-project.org" But I do not know the product offered works for that version.
  17. Ola, vi que existe "WRobot FOR PRIVATE SERVER" isso quer dizer que funciona em qualquer servidor 1.12.1? vou começar a jogar no: "set realmlist logon.elysium-project.org" mas nao sei o produto oferecido funciona para essa versão. Estou disposto a pagar. Se nao funciona alguém conhece algum Bot BOM que funcione?
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