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Everything posted by gurete

  1. Sorry to hear that, and at the same time, I'm mature enough to understand that to stop being the only public bot was the only possible logical action. If you decide to create a private bot for official servers, please let me know; I'll be more than willing to support its development and maintenance. Thank you @Droidz
  2. gurete

    Ban wave - 30 March 2018

    It's a well known fact that they can detect and flag trial accounts, and instaban after they get upgraded to a bchest or legion I'm surprised that some people still consider that Blizzard are idiots, after they have been handing us our asses on a platter (for quite a long time now).
  3. gurete

    Ban wave - 30 March 2018

    I would be grateful if you could specify what do you mean with "wait and see". I've been running out of accounts and cannot afford to lose more by testing, thank you.
  4. Bot is currently detected. You would not be risking anything; you would be straight up throwing your account to the trash. There are profiles for legion questing, but you need to pay for each profile individually. They are expensive; on the positive side, they are pretty good, and the author / scripter is quite responsive. This is not the time to start botting, at all. Just wait, that would be wise. Droidz will have to tell us something, eventually.
  5. 1) Yeah, how many accounts does matter. A day has 24 hours. Your setup requires manual intervention for a lot of things. Again, it's not sustainable, TRY IT and then we can talk like grown-ups. 2) Every single multibotter has gone through that point (market controlling) before going harder. You'd better don't think that you have unique knowledge of the Ins and out of the wow economy, because it's not unique. We've all controlled realms and then tried to move to a a bigger scale. What you said about finding the market completely proves the point. Niche markets can't hold beyond a couple of days of farming mats. Then you have to be replenishing the Ah, and you'll find yourself controlling the market in a good with a low demand, and your banks full. Actually, you need to find something that doesn't require manual intervention, or at least is reduced to under 15 minutes a day. Do you wonder why you still see dungeon bots when it's such a low profit? Because that's sustainable. Exactly what we are talking about. 3) You are indeed botting for peanuts, mate. And you know it. That's why I'm encouraging you to try to expand beyond your 3-4 accounts- you'll realize how all you ideas are impossible in the medium - bigger scale, and why every single person that reads this and has managed even a smaller farm with 10+ bots perfectly knows it. Feel free to hit me in PM to talk about this, if you want. I don't wanna hijack this thread, and it seems we are doing so.
  6. I was kind of expecting this sort of answer; sadly, it proves the former presumption. You are doing 1-2 accounts and think that you know the deal. You don't. You have no idea. All those numbers you provided are not sustainable at all. I could criticize every single point you mentioned. From the just "buying keys in sales" (I just burned through 100 keys in these 3 Wrobot banwaves, do you even understand the complications and dangers of doing so), to the € per k that you say you are obtaining. It's crazy and no, you are not getting that. But just better if you try to expand and check for yourself. You'll see how, after 1 month or 1 banwave, you'll have realized the reality of trying to do this.
  7. yeah, there is a dependence on realm economy, of course. But There's also a big difference between having 1-2 bots and having 10+. If you want to devote 3+ hours a day per account mingling with profiles and the AH.... but that strategy doesn't work when you try to use more accounts, at all. And it gets old and stale soooo fast. Better to just stand fishing at the AH . I also doubt that you consider laundering your returns in that equation. It takes a lot of time, whatever way you choose to try to turn your gold into real money. In short, it's really clear to me, as a multi-botter, that your methods are unsustainable on a medium-bigger scale, and the numbers you mention are extremely inaccurate. At the current status, getting to farming level on a bchest takes 5 days or more even with the faster class. Which doesn't happen to be the best class for farming . If you want to go the legion route, currently the cost is 60 + $ per account. Market is really unstable on legion mats and is on a noticable downward trend. Highly unlikely that you meet your Return of Investment in 5 days, even of the luckiest realm.
  8. gurete

    Ban wave - 9 March 2018

    I appreciate the perseverance, but you should already consider going under the radar. Seems clear enough to me that staying public will have all eyes on us, since there's no public alternative. Choose your battles wisely!
  9. EDIT: @nauper Seems to have issues with the latest Wrobot updates. Does not compile properly, crashes Wrobot. Deleting the dll and the folder makes the bot work again, so it's something related!
  10. I don't think it's a matter of the windows version , Droidz. I run windows 7 on 4 computers. This is happening in 2 of them. On the other 2 , the relogger is working just fine. But if I try to copy the installation to a new computer / new VM , it will still be failing to run. Where do Wrobot stores temp settings pls? We might need to delete them, since it seems that the relogger is trying to use the OLD_NO LONGER EXISTANT obfuscated launch file.
  11. Helllo, both things were already done. Is there a new update that could change something related?
  12. As I was having severe issues getting the bot to work with the last update, I decided to do a full reinstall as advised in the thread. Deleted the previously installation. Cleared the registy from related entries. Looked for related data files on ProgramData and AppData. Installed all dependencies again, and reinstalled Wrobot. Now, Relogger won't launch. It won't lauch AT ALL, so there is no log to be provided. This is all info that I can provide of the issue: Nombre del evento de problema: CLR20r3 Firma del problema 01: Relogger.exe Firma del problema 02: Firma del problema 03: 5a90a5f8 Firma del problema 04: Relogger Firma del problema 05: Firma del problema 06: 5a90a5f8 Firma del problema 07: 13c Firma del problema 08: 0 Firma del problema 09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException Versión del sistema operativo: 6.1.7601. Id. de configuración regional: 3082 Información adicional 1: 0a9e Información adicional 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Información adicional 3: 0a9e Información adicional 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 This is a screenshot of the problem: Is there anywhere else where Wrobot stores Relogger launching settings? Seems to be trying to use another file which doesn't exist. Thank you for your help.
  13. Sounds like issues with the pathfinding server......I remember that the server had big issues yesterday and the day before, causing really strange behaviors in all bots. Maybe it's related to the banwave or maybe irrelevant, but is something that @Droidz should be aware of.
  14. This would be amazing. Even at a small price!
  15. Retail is working very well too. The Delete part has issues with certain items; it might be those that normally require a confirmation before deleting, Blue-quality items.
  16. Droid, Schaka and Evolgaming helped with the problem through Discord. Seems to be related to the Randomise Path feature. Reducing its value should reduce it, and disabling it has solved it for me. Hopefully this can help other people that have this issue!
  17. I'm having the same issue @Blight. I'm not sure if @Droidz has found a way to solve it. Use Lua to move does not prevent it from happening. Still happening, and making AFK gathering not possible. :(
  18. Same issue here.
  19. I'm having exactly the same issues reported here @Droidz Is there any change about the landing distance of the gatherer Product that we may know of? I would certainly appreciate any guidance here, it's skipping a lot of nodes, and the way it goes down to nodes and up from them is way too bottish. Some good improvements could be done here! For reference, I've already ticked "used Lua to move", increased /MinMax latency and tried many profiles, as you suggested previously, didn't seem to help. It's happening with all of them.
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