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File Comments posted by marxito

  1. Hi, yes, of course WRobot is up-to-date.  I always start via updater and like i said, all other profiles, questing or grinding, work flawless. Can't figure out, why this one is not running.

    The remote log ist not very helpful i guess. Anyway, no worries. i appreciate the idea and made an easy grinding profile for throne of elements



    In Game: True
    Player Name: -----
    Player Level: 110
    Player Health: 100
    Player Position: -562,6368, 6893,797, 162,9941
    Player Class: Hunter
    Player Bag Space: 46

    Target Name:
    Target Level: 0
    Target Health: 0

    Bot state: Quester
    Kills: 0(0/hr)
    Deaths: 0(0/hr)
    Stucks: 0(0/hr)
    Farms: 0(0/hr)
    Loots: 0(0/hr)
    Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
    XP/HR: 0 - Next Level: 0 min

    Sub Map Name: Elementarplateau
    Last Whisper:
    Last Log: [D] 09:36:17 - [Quester] If[19] (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.MapZoneName == "Zangarmarsh")
    Result: False
  2. Just to let you know, tried also with another Toon, that usually runs very smooth in different quest profiles and tried all possible locations. Bot just does not kick in. Stands there, first says "please move Char to zone", than discovers zone like "Nagrand - Water Eles" and message stays on screen and nothing happens...too bad, I see you but a lot of work into the profile

  3. Hi Maylu,


    jsut tried again. I drop the toon off in Nagrand. Start the quester with Auto Detect. It says "Nagrand-Water Eles" in the little box on the screen. But nothing else is happening, Bot is just standing there, enjoying the scenery. Other quest profiles work fine. ALso, I just made my own grinder profile to farm the water elementals works fine.


    Log just shows this

    10:08:46 - [Quester] Started
    10:08:47 - /*


    This is a FREE profile, you can check out my other paid profiles on https://wrobot.eu/

    SMV = motes of air
    Nagrand = motes of water
    BEM = motes of fire
    Netherstorm = motes of mana
    Zangarmarsh = motes of life

    You can find my paid profiles on https://wrobot.eu/ as well!

    remember to rate!

    (if you paid for this profile, you were scammed! report it to https://wrobot.eu/ immediately!)


  4. Hi,


    yes, this text appears. But no matter if I move to the pools in Nagrand or Nethoerstorm for Mana, the bot does not act. Just stands there with the same message. Does not even target the elementals right in from of me. I use the quester bot, of course.

    I also tried the non auto detect version, but does not take over as well. or the bot is very very patient (waited a couple of minutes)

  5. Hi,


    great idea. Does not work for me though. Always geht the message on screen (move Char to zone). Tried standing right in front of the water elementals in nagrand or life in zanga, but bot does not take over.


    Maybe you shoud specifiy areas ? Or tell the bot : discover zone . i.e. Nagrand, move to hotspot x

  6. Issues with patch 7.2

    Great profile, but since patch 7.2 I am getting error messages "Spell not found" or "you did not learn the spell". Maybe one of the spells changes IDs ? Bot mainly casts Eye Beam and Chaos Blades. Tried to figure out, which spell ID maybe changed, but did not find it. Where can I find the spell ID in the fight class editor ?

    The log does not show the error messages, only on the screen and bot is not very efficent anymore (runnin on WRotation). Anybody else with this problems ?

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