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Everything posted by welpenhund

  1. Any specific numbers?
  2. The fighting Profile? Or what exactly? Or the skinning profile? Grinding profile here netherddrake.xml
  3. Good morning, i experience a bug since several weeks now and i hoped last patch fixing it but it didn't so i really have to make a post and ask here. I am grinding Leather in outlands and sometimes it happens that a mob is empty - If the Mob is empty the bot does resist to skin it. I have ninja loot activated but when ever i kill a mob that has no loot inside the bot ignores this mob on the ground and moves to the next. Is there a plugin that fixes this or can the Admin look into that please? Note: It has no errors so far, it just simply ignores this mob if its having no loot. Patch: 2.4.3 TBC - Server: Warmane - Realm: Outland
  4. Same for me here, i get several errors with the pathfinder reports and then my bot closes itself. Deleting the Meshes folder fixed it for me too - thanks :)
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