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Everything posted by DxxM

  1. Is it just an AFK bot for PvP? Or is there not even a PvP option for wrobot?
  2. Where would I find that at? I dont see in the vanilla sections for plugins
  3. I have not! Did not see that. I will for sure try to find that
  4. Just me with this issue? Getting like 15-20 deaths an hour with full gear on. So annoying
  5. Still nothing. I tried what you were telling the other guy. Disabled click to move, turned on lua to move, and then disabled calculate interact/combat distance by target size. Still facing the wrong way in combat 50% of the time and die.
  6. I will try that!
  7. Only thing that works for me is lightning bolt and rockbiter [Merox] Low lvl Shaman.xml
  8. earth shock doesnt work either :(
  9. I cannot for the life of me get my self heal to work at all on my shaman. Re added it and tried a million variations. I even copied other classes heal settings over and its still not working
  10. Cant get self heal to work actually. Just keeps dying
  11. Self heal is set to 20% only. So you have to be very low on HP. I had to add Rockbiter manually. Seems to be working great.
  12. Same exact issue. Takes about 15-20 seconds to face the right way
  13. Not to necro a post, but I am having the same issue on my warrior. I literally have to sit here and manually force my character to the direction of the guy I am fighting.
  14. Whenever my character fights in combat, he is always facing the wrong way. And then he ends up dying, due to the fact that he cannot kill anything. Anyone know what this issue can be?
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