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Everything posted by ikatzuki

  1. Probably have something to do with the profile you are running. What profile are you running? :)
  2. The chance of getting banned is dependent on what/where you bot. Doing something like a BG bot will most likely get you banned a lot easier than doing a low population area grind. If you wanna go even further on security you could invest in a premium VPN you can use while botting on you alt account which you don't use on you main account. I'm not too familiar with Warmane but I imagine that you are more likely to get IP banned there than on retail wow :) Bot smart!
  3. Check out the settings. I believe you can change food requirements etc in there :) Not 100% sure but worth checking out.
  4. No problem! Let me know if you need anything else :)
  5. The most important rule when botting is do NOT over-do it. Make sure you not for shorter durations at a time and take short breaks. It's also very important to try not to use popular public profiles since there's a higher chance of seeing other/real people who will report you. Now when it comes to Fishing I think you should be kinda safe if you fish somewhere that is not popular and you don't fish for like 10 hours straight. Check out Relogger and and how it works, set up maybe a 2-3 hours fishing then 20 minute break and repeat. Make your botting look not botting and you should be fine :)
  6. I imagine that would depend what fight class you use for your healer. Check out the fightclass section on the forums :)
  7. I would suggest using this addon; https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator for posting auctions on the AH fast. Pretty easy to use and pretty easy to understand as well :)
  8. No problem! Anytime :)
  9. Sorry i was under the impression you had re-downloaded the files and got it working. Use the "Restore & exclude" option to restore the files it deleted :) Should also "exclude" it from being deleted again!
  10. If you re-downloaded the files after you disabled Norton you can just remove them from history :)
  11. No problem! Let me know if you run into any issues or need anything else :)
  12. I suggest you read this forum post here;https://community.norton.com/en/forums/whitelist-file Should help you get it to work! You need to go to your Quarantine area and remove the files from there. Hope this helps! If not let me know :)
  13. It's basically just telling your anti-virus that the files are NOT a virus. What anti-virus do you use? I can help you whitelisting the files if you let me know which one :)
  14. Wrobot does NOT include viruses. Add the files/folder to white listed files on your antivirus.
  15. Sry for an early bump. This is essential for creating various tmog profiles :c Anyone? :)
  16. Yo guys! Thought i'd give this bot a try for what I'm doing atm (farming trash mobs in raids). I looked at the video and i get how that works. I have one problem with the way this was setup tho. I'm looking to actually NOT kill any bosses at all but only kill some trash mobs in the raid, run out and reset repeat. Since the video above is based off of the bosses killed ticker on the right (which this old school raid doesn't even have) I was wondering if there was a way to do this? I tried searching around on the forums to see if i could find anything but everything i found was just leading back to that video. Help appreciated! Thanks :)
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