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WRobot user
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Everything posted by 79135

  1. How to get name of quest in Easy Quester Editor with C#? I need it for: Logging.Write(questName + "text");
  2. is have an easy method for create new acc with hide of data of browther?
  3. if i use in the GoogleChrome mode: incognito, it hide my data of the browther when i create new account?
  4. Get msg from wow chat like condition for FC spell. It is possible?
  5. How do you think, admins check how many quests bot's done at a some lvl? (wow version: vanilla - BC - WoTLK)
  6. can make this bot only for wholesalers?)
  7. How to force run while ghost into water? The corpse is in a cave, so bot need to go through the water, but the bot spins over the water and cannot pass
  8. How to set into focus by guid? var unit = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault(); ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid= unit.Guid; - dont work
  9. Do you have any solutions how to check queue when connect to realm ?
  10. is quest type Follow path. Bot just skip points and at once run to last point of path. Help with the problem "robotManager.Products.Products.InPause = true/false;" But when use "robotManager.Products.Products.InPause = true/false;" bot very often just stay and nothing to do
  11. Atm for me function reset follow path isn't work..
  12. Script good delete, but when GetContainerItemLink(b,s) == 'Hearthstone' the script is stopped. Why? Lua.LuaDoString("for b = 0,4,1 do for s = 1,GetContainerNumSlots(b),1 do name,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_, itemSellPrice = GetItemInfo(GetContainerItemLink(b,s)) if name ~= 'Hearthstone' and itemSellPrice < 10 then PickupContainerItem(b,s); DeleteCursorItem(); end; end; end;");
  13. Badly work for me, my setting 10 Spirit, 100 Agil, 100 Stamina, 100 Int. Bot do priority for item with start 9 int + 11 spirit then item 8 agil + 7 stamina, WHY?!
  14. Hi, in wow vanilla how can I freeze screen or reduce fps until 15-20? Lua.LuaDoString("ConsoleExec('maxfps 15');"); dont work
  15. Btw on sunwell TBC i check reaction on spam Lua.LuaDoString("ResetInstances()"); every 1-5 sec, and specially run into wall in instance. 1st acc which run into wall and dont spam the command is alive, but 2nd which run into wall and spam the command is dead. Maybe it's a coincidence ?
  16. CastSpellByName can to be detect? My FC all abilities use with it... Please more info write. Thanks
  17. what commands administrators can find a bot? I often use the command: Lua.LuaDoString("ResetInstances()"); or Lua.LuaDoString("FollowUnit("example")"); or Lua.LuaDoString("StaticPopup1Button1:Click()"); or Lua.LuaDoString("InviteUnit('example')"); It is dangerous? Can you write a dangerous LUA command if they exist?
  18. Why the code dont work? if (string.Equals("qwerty", new Channel().ReadMsg().Msg.Trim())) {} Bot cant catch message. Work only when: var chat = new Channel(); if (string.Equals("qwerty", chat.ReadMsg().Msg.Trim())) {}
  19. I need promote leader party another char, but macro /run PromoteToLeader("unit") dont work, work: /promote nameChar. How with c# i can use the macro? Lua.RunMacroText("/promote nameChar"); dont work
  20. It is work, thanks a lot! My profile work with my setting and will be badly for another users
  21. Logging.Write(Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return GroupLootFrame:IsVisible()").ToString()); log write false, even visible frame group loot..
  22. How to check at wow ver vanilla what GroupLootFrame is visible? string isVisible= Lua.LuaDoString<string>("i = 'no' if GroupLootFrame:IsVisible() then i = 'yes' end; return i"); dont work
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