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Everything posted by 79135

  1. The character is dead in the dungeon and tries to rise above the mountain, but can't. How to fix this error? You can correct the error of the resurrection of the dungeon, or at least help to solve this local problem? Dungeon is Wailing Caverns, Wow vanilla. Sorry for a bad video.
  2. public class Main : IPlugin { private bool _isLaunched; public void Initialize() { _isLaunched = true; robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnRunState += (engine, state, cancelable) => { if (ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe && Usefuls.ContinentId != (int)ContinentId.WailingCaverns) { cancelable.Cancel = true; IEnumerable<Vector3> paths = new List<Vector3>() { new Vector3(-852.5135, -2170.376, 92, "None"), new Vector3(-849.0024, -2036.948, 80, "None"), new Vector3(-748.3444, -2059.984, 71, "None"), new Vector3(-621.9654, -2026.705, 63, "None"), new Vector3(-591.3438, -2135.192, 51, "None"), new Vector3(-588.2389, -2123.332, 50, "None"), new Vector3(-628.1954, -2185.471, 48, "None"), new Vector3(-745,-2210,16, "None") }; if (ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { // Process waypoints foreach (Vector3 waypoint in paths) { // Move to the given position MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(waypoint), false); // Loop while (MovementManager.InMovement && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndProductStartedNotInPause && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(waypoint) > 1.5 && Usefuls.ContinentId != (int)ContinentId.WailingCaverns) { // Wait follow path Thread.Sleep(10); } } // Stop movement MovementManager.StopMove(); // End Movement } } }; It is badly work. Char sometimes run back , sometimes stop. How is right to write?
  3. I want what bot go to my path, how insert in the code my path, write please .. I need: Point1 - wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(1,2,3)); Point2 - wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(2,3,4)); I don't know how write follow path, I need example.
  4. unfortunately I do not have time, he was afraid of that answer)
  5. Atm I got 3 ban , GM TP in GM room in same time my 3 bots, I too use proxy. Before ban GM write me "Do not attempt to bot on Light's Hope. You cannot hide from us." xD
  6. I have to do this on three computers xD
  7. I too run 28 session (my key 30 session) but random session gets closed
  8. 79135


    Thank you , Droidz
  9. 79135


    int idMount = 0; if(ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Human || ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Dwarf|| ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.NightElf || ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Gnome) idMount = 25472; //use mount id for add it in the spellbook for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ItemsManager.UseItem(idMount); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 1000); } It's one of the parts a code
  10. 79135


    Why cannot use int idMount in next command: ItemsManager.UseItem(idMount); If I do it Ive error:
  11. Hello, I use Quester profile. I need control under char when it is ghost(with help Plugin). Explain, please, how to force char go to my path when it ghost?
  12. Yes, I was need command "wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Clear();" Thanks a lot!
  13. When I start botting on another computer , if char have items in the bags it item add "don't sell list". What command clear all that list?
  14. I want to do it in quester profile with commands, but I don't know what command need (plugin iEquip). Please look the video: VID_20180605_221429.mp4
  15. does not matter... It is happened only with vanilla version, 3.3.5 work is good
  16. [E] 00:30:57 - Utility > ResizeAndMoveWindow(Process process, Rectangle rectangle): System.InvalidOperationException: Нет процессов, связанных с этим объектом. в System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState(State state) в System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState(State state) в System.Diagnostics.Process.get_MainWindowHandle() в Relogger.IsirimoIjideibuc.Eluedixofisap(Process agimoucequEciu, Rectangle afuiruakou) Why after the error in the log of relogger game start 2 time? 3 апр 2018 09H39.log.html
  17. I mean I want use the code from quester profile ( I don't use custom profile..)
  18. Error (I use the code in the quester profile)
  19. Hello, on the vanilla version there is no autoloot, please explain how to use the pickpocket with autoloot?
  20. How do it in quester profile: Is complete condition if another player near my char?
  21. I used auction bot and I got banned after 1 day, but before ban me, I was approached by the GM. But the quest profile are banned all the time after level 30. How GMs check the bot? My bad eng, sorry
  22. or only have I the problem on the 4 computers?
  23. Droidz, do you know, after an update in December or early January, wrobot, relogger opens 2 times the game(after wow error) and if the character is stuck ([StuckResolver] Done-Stuck count updated, new value: 438) also does not work
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