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Posts posted by 79135

  1. 3 minutes ago, Matenia said:

    If it sends a packet to the server and IT SPAMS it they can probably check for spam. This is true for everything that sends a packet to the server.

    CastSpellByName CANNOT be detected as long as you use it through wRobot because wRobot protects against Lua unlock server side detection. 
    But that's what servers try to detect. And if you use any other Lua unlocker or PQR, it will be detected.

    Okay, thx a lot!

  2. Btw on sunwell TBC i check reaction on spam Lua.LuaDoString("ResetInstances()"); every 1-5 sec, and specially run into wall in instance. 1st acc which run into wall and dont spam the command is alive, but 2nd which run into wall and spam the command is dead. Maybe it's a coincidence ?

  3. 1 minute ago, Matenia said:

    None of them. The only check for CastSpellByName (most do anyway), but using them through the wRobot API, there are workarounds that make it undetected (you don't even notice these).

    CastSpellByName can to be detect? My FC all abilities use with it... Please more info write. Thanks

  4. what commands administrators can find a bot? I often use the command: 

    Lua.LuaDoString("ResetInstances()"); or

    Lua.LuaDoString("FollowUnit("example")"); or

    Lua.LuaDoString("StaticPopup1Button1:Click()"); or


    It is dangerous? 

    Can you write a dangerous LUA command if they exist?

  5. On 3/26/2019 at 1:57 PM, Matenia said:
    public static void SetMouseoverUnit(WoWUnit unit)
      Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteUInt64((uint)Memory.WowMemory.Memory.MainModuleAddress + 0x74E2C8, unit.Guid);
    public static void CastOn(WoWUnit unit, string spellName)


    write please the code for FC editor


  6. 1 hour ago, Matenia said:
    public static void SetMouseoverUnit(WoWUnit unit)
      Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteUInt64((uint)Memory.WowMemory.Memory.MainModuleAddress + 0x74E2C8, unit.Guid);
    public static void CastOn(WoWUnit unit, string spellName)


    will try the method, thx a lot!

  7. Hello!

    How to heal on vanilla wow without target?

    var healTarget = Party.GetParty().Where(o => o.HealthPercent < 50).FirstOrDefault();

    SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn("Rejuvenation", healTarget.Name);

    CastSpellByNameOn on vanilla is missing, write please another method.

  8. On 7/2/2018 at 1:50 PM, Droidz said:


    public SpellState(string spellName, int priority, BooleanDelegate condition, bool isBuff = false, bool inCombatOnly = true, bool castIfInMount = false, bool castIfMeDead = false, bool checkIfKnow = true, bool checkIfSpellUsable = true, bool checkSpellDistance = true, bool needInView = true, int timer = 0, bool notSpellIsLuaScript = false, bool debug = false, bool targetFriends = false, bool aoeSpell = false, bool aoeSpellMePos = false, bool oncePerTarget = false, YesNoAuto canMoveDuringCast = YesNoAuto.Auto, string description = "", string castOn = "", bool lockFrame = true, bool waitDuringCasting = true, bool notSpellIsCSharpCode = false, bool notSpellIsVBCode = false, bool notSpellIsLuaBotCode = false)

     But if you use c# to create your fightclass it is not recommended to use this, you can found sample here 


    hello, where can i find all functions or methods of GoToTask.ToPosition(!!!here!!!); ?

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