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  1. Thanks man, however should my vector3(1, 2, 3) be the Starting cord for the Path or the end cords of it?
  2. Okay, don't think I'm that experienced >< It does however look like an option for me. Couple of quick questions to your reply. 1: Do i exchange the number (1, 2, 3) with the position numbers for the end of the path or the start? 2: Do I use the the "Helper Tools --> My Position" in Quest Editor to determine the position or do i use the numbers generated from "FollowPath"? (Noticed that the numbers in FollowPath does not have "f" behind them and with "Helper Tools --> My Position" they do. Do i include this "f" or not?) Example : "Helper Tools --> My Position": HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-1791.935f, 3050.169f, 8.208141f)); FollowPath : -1791.935; 3050.169; 8.208141; None 3: What does the number 500 mean? Is it Yards in game? If so, should i change this number depending on the circumstances?
  3. Hey, love the product. I am in the process of making my own quester profile. I have added in manual paths to follow to make it look more like a human and avoid it getting stuck or taking weird paths to quest areas. However if i stop the profile and start it again it will run and do all previous FollowPath actions before continuing with the rest of the quests. Is there a way to make WRobot remember that it has finished this step, sort of like it does when completing quests? I have until now been manually deactivating the steps in the enable/disable steps option, but would however prefer it to be automatic. I have added IfHasQuest line to test but i dont see how that will work after i have finished handing in the quest and i no longer have it. 04 Desolace (All Horde) 30-40.xml 03 Stonetalon (All Horde Races) 20-30.xml
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