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Posts posted by CocoChanel

  1. Hey, was wondering if someone could make a quest recorder plugin. What I mean by this, is a plugin that would record your questing while you quest manually, without having the need to go through the hassle of making a quest with the quest editor.

  2. 2 hours ago, pattax said:

    I'm not going to bad mouth specific profile packs.

    Just keep in mind guys that paid profiles aren't any safer than free profiles once the amount of users has reached a certain point.

    Thats why you should always check ur bots from time to time and might swap to an alternative profile if you see others using the same routes.

    Im using a public profile and have been using it for all week 24/7. Still not banned.

  3. 1 minute ago, pattax said:

    It's not just old Honorbuddy/Lazybot profiles, some paid WRobot profiles are heavily overused on Warmane aswell. But yeah getting banned on Warmane is hard, there are still so many Lv 70 obvious botters on the Outland realm which are not getting banned.

    Which ones are you referring to?

  4. 3 minutes ago, BetterSister said:

    People get banned on warmane only if they bot insane stupidly like 24/7 places where it gets stuck constantly (just how i got banned...) or when bot behaves like retard. If you use good profiles that won't stay at same location for days you should be fine

    Alright thanks, but then how are they banning so many? Its not like 1 at a time. Its waves of 2-8.

  5. So for the past week I have been botting 24/7 on Warmane and I constantly see these "(Account name), has been banned for: Botting". Are they just flexing, or do they actually ban so many botters. I have not been banned after herbalism gathering in netherstorm for the past week 24/7. I have also been botting in battlegrounds for 3 weeks straight while on vacation.


  6. 42 minutes ago, eeny said:

    Golden rule of botting- If you care about an account, dont bot on it.

    Also, your going to be hard pressed to find someone who says botting while you sleep (6-10 hours) straight is smart.  IMO roll a few new accounts and start levelling- the more accounts the better and schedule them with relogger.

    Funds transfer is always a bitch... best option i know of is to make a lowbie bank char on your main account.  start a guild with name like "super fun leveling pals" and invite all your bots.  F2F is still the best option for transfer, not massive amounts though.  If you get pulled up on the f2F trade you can appeal saying that you know eachother IRL (you are in the same super fun lvling guild) and were simply transfering gold between friends as a loan.  If the Gm brings up botting, your screwed anyway =).

    Mail money/itmes/flasks/ farms from bank to main.


    Thanks, but Elysium will eventually find out since it will all be on the same ip right or is there a way to counter that?

  7. Hello, so recently I have been botting all night till I wake up on the Kronos Vanilla server. When I was playing legit I get a message from a guy. I check the message, and a guy tells me that He knows that I'm botting and he knows that I have been doing it for a while. What should I do? Obviously if he knows that I have been botting for a while, he would have reported me and I would have gotten banned. He also told me that other people had noticed me botting. I obviously don't want to loose my account, but I'm skeptical about his claim since I have gotten no contact from GM's. 



    I could just make a new character and use it for botting, but at some point they would connect the dots and  I would get in trouble on my main aswell. Im just looking for a safe way to bot or transfer gold on/to my main.



    Please help! Thanks! :)

  8. Hello, as the title says I want new options regarding the remote session. Currently you can turn off WoW, your PC, and WRobot. What could be cool, is maybe something like change of profiles, go to mailbox, auction off your loot or something completely different. Thank you :-)

  9. Hello boys and girls, I just bought the unlimited package and was wondering if you guys knew how to bot 24/7 with taking breaks.

    BTW, I'm going to stay in France for a week,  so If you have any idea as how to let it bot while im away ill be greatful



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