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Posts posted by Avvi

  1. 5 minutes ago, LilleCarl said:

    I'll probably go with the latter, the reason IsUsableSpell isn't enough is because sometimes i must check if player has enough mana to cast 2 spells, say i'm in Cat Form and wanna heal myself. Then i better have enough mana to land regrowth and cat form, else i'm better of fighting in catform til i have mana for both :)


    Imo those are things that should be in the API, to help the community grow! =)


    I might just extract all spellcosts from dbc files and put them in a dictionary.

    Cheers =)

    Getting mana spell costs is  difficult to do even in the normal wow LUA scripting. You must extract it from the tooltips. I'm not surprised that this hasn't been implemented by Droidz. You can try implementing the following lua from this post: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/14881058187  and getting the return from that... Even then, this method will be different for each version of the game. a dictionary is probably the easiest solution.

  2. 3 hours ago, LilleCarl said:

    First i'll just link to what i'm working on. It's a fightclass for Feral Druids (leveling atm, thought it'd be fun to try this out while leveling) https://gist.github.com/Lillecarl/22b3c8170c1070873ca4dfcc607b98ac

    Both Spell and SpellInfo classes contain very little information, i'd love to get the power (mana) requirements from spells by their names in some easy fashion.

    Can this be done in some way, i skimmed through wManager with dnSpy, but i didn't find anything of use there.

    Best Regards

    Is your goal to determine whether you have enough mana to cast the spell? If so, then you can use wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Spellname") . Spellusable uses the http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_IsUsableSpell so, it's not purely based on mana percentage, but it might accomplish what you want. Currently I don't know if there is a way to find the mana cost of a spell. You may be able to write a dictionary SpellByCost and do that yourself, though.

  3. 1 hour ago, Floood0 said:

    I found 27 matches like " ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True ; CloseAfterXLevel = 100 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 2 ; CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes = 15 ; CloseAfterXMin = 2880 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = True 
    And 0 real whispers, also i have about 100 log files, i think i need totalcommander to search in all files, but anyway, i will found a lot of trash like this.

    I have added logging to the plugin. It does everything into one log file for the entire session. If you'd like it differently, please let me know. 


    logging looks like such:

    [Whisper] alert received: 12:26 PM - [Character Name] whisper: hi there.
    [Whisper] alert received: 12:28 PM - [Character Name] whisper: Can you help me?
    [Whisper] alert received: 12:29 PM - [Character Name] whisper: nvm.


  4. 1 hour ago, Floood0 said:

    Hello, anyone knows handle method to catch PM messages? There is a standard function in Wrobot but it is hard to find PM messages in a hundred of files, there also addon what makes screenshot, but my window is 300x300 PX so screenshot is useless.


    Will send you an email or play a sound when you die/logout/receive a message.

  5. 12 hours ago, piff813 said:

    WRobot Unlimited Subscription  where do i find? And also i would want to use each toon im botting on a diff ip. i was gonna buy usa proxy and get proxycap. Thanks for quick reply @avvi

    Personally I've never used a vpn while using wRobot so I can't respond on how it acts in the scenario of using it with a VPN. I would assume it would also depend on your configuration. Are you running on VMs, are they all running from different real systems, etc. That said, I can't answer to how this setup works. To buy the unlimited sub, go to the Store tab.

  6. 4 minutes ago, piff813 said:

    If only one, is there an advanced payable upgrade to run multiple WoWs on Wrobot, all on private  elysum on Diff VPN. Thx and sorry let me know willing to pay.

    Gives you access to WRobot FOR WOW PRIVATE SERVERS and all its products, unlimited WRobot sessions on the same network (ip).

    WRobot Unlimited Subscription
    Gives you an access to WRobot and all its products, unlimited WRobot session on the same network (ip).
  7. The logs say: System.BadImageFormatException: The file or assembly "MemoryRobot.dll" or a dependency of it was not found. Is not a valid Win32 application


    Have you tried reinstalling WRobot already?


    @Droidz On a seperate note, I have seen this exact error/issue when I've attempted to 'Add a Reference' in a Visual Studio project for 'MemoryRobot.dll'. I'm not sure if it's related but something to look at. 

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