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Everything posted by Seminko

  1. I've tried Move.Backward but I don't like backpaddling, hence I wanted to use strafe. EDIT: also, one would think that Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 1000 would hold the key pressed for one second, however it doesn't. It presses it for a few miliseconds. It feels like the script doesn't pause for it to be resolved and continues with the while loop which I have set to Thread.Sleep(50); Or it might have sth to do with what I described with the strafe, ie the bot doesn't want to move away from the mob and I'm telling him otherwise resulting in only a ms of movement.
  2. I've been scouring the forums for a solution to this and everything is very unreliable, at least with my limited knowledge. I've tried these, but for both of these the bot is trying to face the target during the strafe, hence it starts doing circles around the mob not really getting away from it. wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.PressKeybindings(wManager.Wow.Enums.Keybindings.STRAFELEFT, 1250); Move.StrafeLeft(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 1250); The only reliable way I found how to get away from the mob is to pause the bot (below code) before the move, which makes the movement go as I want to but it messes the bot up in some situations. robotManager.Products.Products.InPause = true; Move.StrafeLeft(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 1250); robotManager.Products.Products.InPause = false; Surely, there is a simple, clean way of doing this?
  3. Version 1.1.0


    Does exactly what you expect. You pick the poisons you want to use in the Settings, both for mainhand and offhand and once any of the poisons expire, it will pause the bot and apply it again. The bot picks the highest version of the specified poison. Q: Why I decided to pause the bot (robotManager.Products.Products.InPause = true;) ? A: When I didn't use this option, what happened was that the bot started to apply the poison and at the same time fixated on a target. I don't know EXACTLY how the bot works but I pressume there is a timer and if your toon doesn't reach that target until the timer expires the mob is flagged as bugged, it's blacklisted and you switch targets. And this is precisely what happened, especially with yellow mobs. It was common that the poisons were being applied but the bot already wanted to go attack a mob, before it could reach it it was blacklisted. I guess if there are no yellow mobs, you can go ahead and comment it out since if it is a red mob you would pull it by being close most of the time. If you have any comments or ideas hit me up in the comments.
  4. I recently discovered relogger, it's awesome. Now, I want the bot to run grinder for a bit and then go to a specific fishing spot and fish. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do that. I was thinking using like a gathering profile with only one waypoint right near the water but first, how would I tell relogger to switch profiles once the location is reached, and more importantly second, when I tried with a fishing profile and the bot reached the spot, my char was not facing the water and kept throwing the line into the ground. Ideas?
  5. Yesterday I tried using the 'Shutdown computer also when closing the game' option in the Advanced General settings, tab Stop game / bot / Security and apparently the bot didn't like it. Thing to note, I used it in conjunction with the scheduler, with the scheduler ending with /To home and /Close game. The PC did not shutdown. This is the result from the log: [F] 03:48:31 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 03:48:34 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) 03:48:42 - [Schedule] Stop product Fisherbot 03:48:42 - iMage stopped. 03:48:42 - [AntiAfk] Disposed. 03:48:42 - [Fisher] Stopped 03:48:42 - [Fisher] Stopped 03:48:42 - [Fisher] Closed [D] 03:48:42 - [FightPetBattle] Cannot load pet battle fight class, use default. [D] 03:48:42 - [Spell] spellName=Battle Pet Training => Failed 03:48:43 - [Schedule] To home, use Hearthstone. [D] 03:48:56 - [Info] Continent change, Mauradon to Kalimdor [D] 03:48:56 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True). 03:48:56 - [Schedule] Product /To home (line 6) started for 0,1 minutes. 03:48:59 - [Security] Player Nearby(Feroze since 3 sec (total time near since bot started)), pause bot 03:49:02 - [Schedule] Stop product /To home 03:49:02 - [Schedule] Close game. [E] 03:49:02 - !Memory.IsProcessOpen [E] 03:49:02 - !Memory.IsProcessOpen [E] 03:49:03 - !Memory.IsProcessOpen [E] 03:49:03 - !Memory.IsProcessOpen REPEATS THE SAME MESSAGE LIKE THOUSAND TIMES, THE PC WAS NOT SHUTDOWN...
  6. Interesting, just a few hours ago I used Fisherbot and everything was fine. Do you use the latest version of the bot for Vanilla?
  7. I'm trying to find NPCs which are out of range, in other words no longer visible. I know that in WotLK addons like NPCScan were able to locate mobs really FAR away, further than visible. Is this something that can be done in vanilla? I tried code below which works if the NPC is still within the visible range but right when I go step farther so that it disappears the NPC is no longer valid. var guard = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(8147)); if (guard.IsValid) { float distance = guard.GetDistance; string myString = distance.ToString(); MessageBox.Show(myString); } else { MessageBox.Show("Not found"); } Also found a vanilla API call "TargetByName" which can reach as far as the above code. Any ideas if this is a limitation of vanilla or if this can be managed somehow. Thanks
  8. Version 1.0.1


    When I use Grinder, I usually do other stuff on my pc and I often find myself checking my inventory for possible rare / epic items. This plugin will do that for you. Just pick what rarity you want to be alerted about to True and select the type of notification, either a sound or a message box displaying the name and quality, or both at the same time. IMPORTANT: if you want to use sounds you have to have sound files with appropriate names for each rarity IN YOUR PLUGINS FOLDER. The names should be as follows: green.wav blue.wav epic.wav legendary.wav For mine, I used rarity sounds from Hearthstone. File included. ;)
  9. I know the bot tries to find a safe area to ressurect in when in ghost form. Can anyone shed some light as to how this is handled in C#? I would like to use it for when Vanishing.
  10. Hmmm, something's wrong... even though I set the distance to 5yr and there is clearly no other monsters it always pulls with ranged...
  11. It will return true if there is more than one attackable monster within 40 yards range of the target. That's what I'm after, if it returns true I will use range pull, if it returns false and there is only one mob in range of my target I will pull melee as I can manage two at once. At least that's how I understand it.
  12. I used this. Will test and report back. public float Range { get { if(RangeCheck = true) { return 29f; } return 5f; } } private void RangeManager() { if (ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile().Count(u => u.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Target.Position) <= 40 && u.IsAttackable) > 1) { RangeCheck = true; } else { RangeCheck = false; } return; } public void Start() { Logging.Write("Seminko's Rogue Loaded"); while (iMageLaunched) { if (!Products.InPause) { if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { SprintManager(); EquipThrown(); if (Fight.InFight && ObjectManager.Me.Target > 0) { RangeManager(); GetFightingState(); } } } Thread.Sleep(10); } Logging.Write("Seminko's Rogue is now stopped."); }
  13. Hmmm... Alright, where do you put this, i mean if this is going to be defined right at the start of the class I still don't understand how this gets updated. First thing that comes to mind is a bool. Let say in the fightclass loop I put in bool too check whether the conditions are met or not. If I update your code as below will the range be changed? If so, it's very much counterintuitive for me. public float Range { get { if(bool = 1) { return 29f; } return 5f; } }
  14. I'm a C# noobie so bear with me. The default declaration is done within the Main class, like so: public float Range { get { return 29f; } } When I tried having a void with IF statements and using the above, it wouldn't work. Could you please ellaborate more?
  15. Is there a way to change range while the bot is running? I was thinking about sth like, if there are other mobs near the target, set range to X and pull, if not set range to melee and don't waste time pulling.
  16. Figured it out. Apparently you can use items to equip them. At least in this case. It's wonky but it works: private void EquipThrown() { if (ObjectManager.Me.GetEquipedItemBySlot(wManager.Wow.Enums.InventorySlot.INVSLOT_RANGED) == 0) // if player doesn't have a ranged weapon equipped { if (ItemsManager.HasItemById(3108)) { ItemsManager.UseItem(3108); } } return; }
  17. Hey, I would like to check if Thrown is quiped and if not, equip it. I have this but need help with the equip function: private void EquipThrown() { if (player.GetEquipedItemBySlot(wManager.Wow.Enums.InventorySlot.INVSLOT_RANGED) = 0) { foreach (WoWItem item in Bag.GetBagItem()) { if(item.GetItemInfo.ItemName == "Heavy Throwing Dagger") { EQUIP THE ITEM } if (player.GetEquipedItemBySlot(wManager.Wow.Enums.InventorySlot.INVSLOT_RANGED) != 0) { break; } } } return; } Also, is there a way so i can avoid hardcoding the thrown name? Sth like isItemUsable && itemIsRanged Thx
  18. That's it? o.O It seems counter-intuitive. Let me try and get back to you, thanks
  19. I would like my rogue to get within the throw / bow shoot range, pull, wait for the mob to get to melee range and then start fighting. Is this doable?
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