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  1. But it looks strange, if pathfinder dont work witout server, why there at all option to disabple pathfind server???
  2. Found, server pathfinder was disabled in options. Now its ok
  3. I didnt use bot for almost 2 year, now it work without meshes or what?
  4. I am use TRIAL version, there is empty "meshes" folder
  5. Hello, I just want to back to botting, I try to start botting in Northshire abbey, but bot always stuck in a building, trying to run just through the building. Does it's ok?
  6. Where can i read changelogs of wrobot versions?
  7. I found what problems appears if my character dead and game sessions ends. If I relog in the few minutes all ok, but if I relog on the next day I don't see where is the body and where is SH.
  8. Hello, i have problem - sometimes after dead i dont see body and Spirit Healer on the map. When this happens my bot just cant ressurect - he just dont move. log: ... 19:34:02.301 - [Resurrect] Player dead 19:34:09.467 - [Resurrect] Player dead 19:34:16.632 - [Resurrect] Player dead ... Do anyone know how to fix this?
  9. Hello, how we can log GM messages, i dont see this messages in wrobot chat window? UPD I mean global GM messages, this red strings that says " Hello word, acc ****** banned " (On 243 warmane)
  10. Floood0

    [TBC] Memory leak?

    So, what we should do now? Botting with 3 bot or writting addon what will restart wow every 30 min?
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