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Posts posted by artur.k

  1. 1 hour ago, Seriouzh said:

    Nothing past month. Before that I got ban when I was doing stupid stuffs like farming mote of life in zangar.  Doing herbing and mining routes now with some changes for grinding mobs that dont give wanted items like motes. No druids beeing used since I get the feeling warmane somehow tracks them. Have got about 5druids banned before level 40 and no fancy stucks or deaths on them. But that was some months ago.

    My point with the post is I'm botting 24/7 on two sets of accounts and none banned 30days back.

    topic was made for wotlk its my fault i add outland that is tbc,i saw from 2 days bans more bans on wotlk icecrown and lordaeron both,and it was bans for low lvls also bans that not exist before like methods i never see before,everyone can make mistake put bot in wrong place wrong fc profile but now its something else and i know it becouse me and my brother who never post here got also bans on old account on fresh account on one ip or on another .

    edit nr1 now in this moment my last icecrowns was banned,like i say before survive only accounts THAT i NOT RUN IN BOT,i can stay in fucking placa where i bot whole day and not get credited with ban,but if i run wrobot im credited with ban


    edit nr2  and tell me guys when we have last update for bot on TBC or Wotlk?? is this bot to perfect?  impossible to broke?  i dont find in my life thing that cant be broken..... if users who run bot get ban they need change method they use to bot if they dont do it they will sure get ban again (becouse i dont think if you get ban you make same mistakes again and again) here we have bot that we pay and we have near 0 changes in last weeks,i write message to @Droidz that will be great to have in relloger one thing

    have option to put in relloger when server go offline relloger stop spam enter to server every fucking 15 or 20 seconds make option to change this to value like 1 3 5 10 100 minutes no human can try enter server every equal(10,15,20 i dont know) seconds and we all know warmane often close servers it was one offf many possible ways to find bot for me many realy many but this one is i thing most easy to FIX

  2. another bans now my brother lost 4 on lord 2 fresh and 2 old separate ip separate machines  fresh have 0 connect with anything old

    edited;i see now i also lost few on lord

    funny i not lost any accounts that were offline:))) from yesterday when they start at me


  3. 11 minutes ago, Skad said:

    If tauri can detect it than warmane can for sure, considering how big they are... We need an update to wrobot to make it undetectable again, if possible.

    we can just inform @Droidz

    and wait thats all we can do,i think you can be 24/7 or 12/7 breaks or not if they "see" bots they will ban,but its most important i think  if they see wrobot they can hide this knowledge and not ban 100% bots becouse it will be realy good signal they know,they can just ban like on outland 50-100 bot per day

    tell me guys you care others??  if person A lost 20 bots one day and person B and C lost 1, all guys here tell noo wrobot is not detectable but it will be lie,becouse next day person B can lose also all bots and another next day person C,and we will have cycle all lose bots but no one name this a banhammer just warmane magicaly ban bots BUT no one will care becouse my bots today not get ban...


  4. 51 minutes ago, Ivkan1997 said:

    What do you mean by loot maintaince? Changing what your character is doing or something else?

    If its secret np


    send loot from bots to bank:P you need close/pause it sometimes and and just clear



    But do we get any info about bans if on tauri they can detect them maybe they can here if people got mass ban even if they ultra care? @Droidz

  5. 1 minute ago, Jensen- said:

    they lived around a month, was getting hits but it was 1-2 accs  every few days, when they got hit i just made instant new or replaced them with my backup accounts

    made topic about it

    for me its detection i saw many times warmane fuck ip tracking they doesnt care about it  on angrathar they care but not warmane and yes i dont have static ip and i control ip every time i bot on every machine,its ok when you lost 1 2 3 even 5 bots from  25 but if you lost all in one two days no its strange.

    tips for you jensen when you bot  got ban restart machine also not only internet becouse it can be dettected better even make new account on other machine or wait few hours,sorry english is not my native

  6. 2 minutes ago, Mike Mail said:

    i was running 5 bots on icecrown for 2 weeks with 5 hours on 2 hours off "relogger" all accounts are fine.



    5 hours is not to much dont you think ? maybe you run when they not scan?  i lost 25 and funny still have few running and funny becouse i know its possible every bot i was having have different breaks hour different profiles and its possible they ot catch all when all is not online in same time

  7. Just now, Jensen- said:

    only proxie, got baned 2days ago, 30accs got hit but im back with refreshed proxy

    you lost 30 acc and its ok???  how long they live? you not think its strange lost all in one day? im only one who think if you lost 80-90% of bots in one day when you try to make them unique i realy make them unique with no fucking proxy,van or any other fucking method and i lost all with unique ip/machine profile fo me its means they just detect wrobot

  8. same here heh


    on outland its common they ban mass realy mass no one can tell me they cant detect i tried bot on outland with many profiles,fc or boosted chars 40/50/60 even 70 lvl all is same ban with few hours days and i know they detect wrobot on tbc,and im not say  run bot for 1-2 hours and tell no there is no detect  do it like botter do for money when you run more than 8 hours(with breaks without, doesnt metter they will know you bot and will ban you even if i know no one is possible to track me in game they will ban you becouse they just detect you not see just detect,and now i see same is on wotlk im not good programmer (maybe becouse im lazy) but i bot for years and when in hb we see mass ban no one tell no its not detected they just report your 25 bots ..... at beggining when i start using wrobot i can say you are stupid have bad fc or fucked profile but now i know they detect it starts on tbc and now move to wotlk

    for me tbc is lost funny moment when i bot from 62 lvl with my shaman and 4 more shammans bots all 62 lvl all same spot i even kill mobs like bot just with keyboard and bam they ban 4 bots my 5 th where i play was untouched strange yes?

    and i see on wotlk it starting same history.....

    sorry for my brutal fucked english very sorry;/

  9. yep mine 90% today also get ban funny they leave me 1-2 on each machine  for whot? mine was ice and lord,and next strange thing i get also ban on lvled chars never ever get this before only 70+  now even 40,last days bot move like fucking idiot pathfinding was fucked like hell

  10. 3 hours ago, Findeh said:

    P.S. Also, if there are really guys, who is running 10+ bots per pc with 1 network adapter, 20+ hours per day, without VM, and they are not affected by mass bans, i'd assume that they have some kind of inbuild proxy or NAT within their provider network, that is, somehow, protects them by not leaking their real local ip. For example, if you will have adsl connection, it's mostly using vpn during each connect. Lets asume they gather statistic "how many connects from local ip x.y.z.n were done". If you are running 10 bots with the same local ip, you will hit that filter very fast. If you are running like 3, maybe you will not hit it. And if you change your local IP often (like every 12 hours atleas, because you are running adsl vpn), maybe you will not hit that filter as well. So you may think you are superior, but in fact, it's just a coincidence or your provider network architecture.
    It's just a theory, i'm not an network engineer or something, have no idea what i'm talking about )

    right and 16 hours per day max or less,i say in my last coment change internet provider and not be to greedy at start

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