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Bug Report Comments posted by valetine

  1. 8 hours ago, Droidz said:

    This fightclass cast Shadowform only when you have target, and cancel form(buff) when you haven't target: shadowFormTest.xml


    Video: 2018-03-23_17-09-15.mp4

    I think you didn’t catch the point.The problem is that when I dismount, although I already have a shadow form, he cancels it and then casts it again.

    Maybe dismount has a bug.I dont know why the bot cancle shadowForm when i dismount.

    If you can test it in the grind mode with a mount , you will find this problem.


  2. 55 minutes ago, Droidz said:

    I ignore where do you have found your code, but in vanilla to cancel Shadowform buff you need to use lua code like:

    for i=0,15,1 do
    	local currBuffTex = GetPlayerBuffTexture(i);
    	if (currBuffTex and string.find(string.lower(currBuffTex), "spell_shadow_shadowform")) then CancelPlayerBuff(i); end

    (and not "CastSpellByName('Shadowform',1)")


    In one line: 

    for i=0,15,1 do local currBuffTex = GetPlayerBuffTexture(i); if (currBuffTex and string.find(string.lower(currBuffTex), "spell_shadow_shadowform")) then CancelPlayerBuff(i); end end


    The bot couldn't detect that I already had a shadow form, so he cancelled it and released it again.

    The problem is not the use of the code to cancel the shadow form.

    If I don't use a mount, this problem does not occur.

  3. 8 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Try this plugin: 

    using System.ComponentModel;
    public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin
        public void Initialize()
            wManager.Events.OthersEvents.OnDismount += delegate(CancelEventArgs cancelable)
        public void Dispose()
        public void Settings()


    Thanks for your reply , but....

    not work,still leave shadowform when dismount.

  4. On 2017/4/28 at 12:08 AM, Droidz said:

    Hello, you can manage it with your fightclass


     I think this is a bug , if Priest ues mount,the bot cant detected the shadowform .

    Even if I already had this BUFF, because he can not detect it , leading to bot  repeated release.

    Look like : had buff→ cancel buff → cast buff

    If i dont use the mount ,It is normal.

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