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Everything posted by Photogenic

  1. I don't think it is a fight class issue..or else it wouldn't happen just against players. Try going running multiple toons in party with bot then let enemy player attack one of them. As long as the enemy player does not touch the other characters, they will not engage the fight. The one gets attacked will attack back. Here is my fight class Feral 70.xml
  2. Bump... Please this is so sad. Can you fix this ? I bot with 5+ toons and 1 enemy player kill all of them because of this issue!!!!!
  3. Go to General Settings > Advanced Settings > Food and Drink Change health % to eat or to drink. and put food/water name.
  4. There are many different tricks and ways to use the bot... It doesn't run in "one way" only. Yes you can farm both at the same time and you can switch zones easy. You can do so much if you have the knowledge.
  5. wowhead is a great source for quests Database actually to make sure you don't do mistakes. Some quests have same name but different ID (Horde vs Alliance) So wowhead comes into play. but there is this.
  6. I dont have an exact answer but here are some links that can help you
  7. Make sense, thanks a lot! I totally forgot about that.
  8. Hello, Quest : http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9702 I have added all 3 different ID's to gather this item, yet the bot seems to bug or I am not sure how it works. Sometimes it doesn't gather the item, sometimes it ignores near by items, and some other times it try to gather a non-existent item. The quest works, it manages to farm the item eventually but I would rather avoid this bottish behavior.. and here it says successful where infact it did not gather anything ... Any advice is appreciated. thanks,
  9. Hello, Sometimes I go back to edit my questing profiles where I have about 200 steps... Adding one step in between number 5-10 can take time. I suggest having the option to add in middle of steps or at least Drag new step to the top faster, if that option doesn't exist in a different way already.
  10. I actually found the problem... Funny thing is.. when the option "Is Buff=true" it doens't buff, Changed it to false and now it does buff.
  11. hello... Sometimes it keeps doing that then the bot starts unstuck resolver... :/ Feral 70.xml
  12. Thank you so much! This can save me a lot of time then, and can do many cool things!
  13. Hello, Q#1 Can someone please explain (from Quest Order Editor > Action Types) what is the meaning and the usage of these? possible examples? Q#2 Can I make the bot check for quest status if (completed) or not without Pulsing the quest? For example: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9853/gurok-the-usurper I want the bot to Check first .. IF this quest is completed > move on to step [XX].. I have done the quest manually myself while scripting it, then I run the bot, it should move on to step [172] and recognize the quest as completed.. but it will not. My question... Why False? Why it doesn't check if quest is completed by using "if or RunCode or While" I tried all those and all comes false. My question... Why False? Why it doesn't check if quest is completed by using "if or RunCode or While" I tried all those and all comes false.
  14. @Zan but you know me, so you know who I know, right? some quests can be heavily scripted, but you dont need them while achieving a certain fight technique might seem impossible to some of us and, is very important.
  15. The reason why its not included is because its useless.. Public profiles is the reason you get banned because GM notice thousands of people moving the same route. Its best if everyone make their own, or buy a profile that is updated and fixed by someone for you.This is a huge project and work to maintain.. I doubt the developer has any time to log into wow and make questing profiles... But anyways, creating questing profiles is not hard, I actually find it easier than creating fighting classes. Just put time to learn and execute..
  16. Creating questing profiles take days.. maybe more.. You want someone to put all the time, effort, and knowledge, into something that could potentially be stolen and shared across the internet if someone wished to do so to the author of that profile and not charge that much ? And is one time ? You probably get paid more than that per 1-3 hours work.... But its okay to pay for WoW itself for some reason, not Wrobot.
  17. Hello, I am trying to do this quest where obj1 require me to attack mob until he is low health then stop attack. Say for example, I have to stop attacking at 5% health. Then the mob become Friendly and I turn quest to it. How do I force the bot to stop attacking at that health percentage using Questing profile ? Thanks in advance,
  18. Hello, it seems like you have an issue with your Questing profile. In this case, it is highly recommended that you go back to the Profile Creator first. If it is paid, then you should contact them first. It might need an update or something of that sort. Usually, if you create a profile and test it multiple times to fix pathing and what not, you won't have many issues as being stuck. So if you get stuck a lot, just remember there is a way around it. The profile you're using might need an update.
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