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Posts posted by Photogenic

  1. On 6/27/2020 at 1:35 AM, mitwisdom said:

    i mean,,for example,some herb  need 15 points to harvest,and tauren already have 15 herb points when first learn the skill.Under normal circumstances,the herb is can be harvested (its orange),but bot will judge the herb cannot be harvest and ignore it.

    This is not true. Tauren has 15 herb in maximum skill. But when you start your herb your skill is 1 on all classes.

    Increase the orange of which you harvest herbs from your settings, also use plugin to ignore nodes that are higher level made by Matina

  2. 1 hour ago, shlord said:

    do you use Pause bot if nearby player? 

    im starting to use it. but cant find a decent config.. because it stop the bot and mobs respawn and kill me lol

    No, I do not but lately I just sit down and have coffee while watching the bots and talk to people on chat and taunt players who pass by just for the heck of it. This is the only solution in my hand but I am sure experts can create highly advanced botting behavior that can make you afk without problem.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Smokie said:

    I apogize @Photogenic for over take your thread a little.

    You're fine..

    Everything I use is my personal profiles. I think the biggest problem that makes someone identified as a bot is the fight class and the movement. The bot movement is not near human behavior which makes any one notices that just within less than a minute of observation. Specially if a player comes near the bot whether its friendly or enemy. Normal human will target any person comes in their view and take a look at who they are, bot never does that.

    I have came across many people who uses this bot in-game. I could easily tell who is a bot and who is not. So yeah, I guess if there is highly advanced profiles that makes you look like human, then they are worthy of buying to avoid getting banned.

  4. This is pretty weird.. I saw the ban hammer today, many accounts were banned for botting.


    The weird thing is, I was running 3 accounts at the same time.Two were grinding and was running Automaton one was banned the other two didn't. Huh! What is more weird is that the account running Automaton is fresh toon, I leveled it myself all the way and basically just started today to use the bot 30 min grind then several hours break. I wasn't like grinding for long hours. Toon wasn't stuck either.

    Who else got hit?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Smokie said:

    Can you post your logs?

    Here, was trying to cross River to reach a mob. And its trying to path through the water during flight form. So, its flying downward and not able to find path since Fly mount cannot penetrate water and go inside.



    13:48:04 - [Fight] Player Attack Whispering Wind (lvl 80)
    [D] 13:48:06 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft
    [D] 13:48:12 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 4287.26 ; 2069.626 ; 353.223 ; "Flying" - Target pos: 4287.265 ; 2069.628 ; 347.3901 ; "None" Continent: Northrend Tile: 28.11945_23.96139
    [D] 13:48:12 - [StuckResolver] Started.
    [D] 13:48:12 - [StuckResolver] Flying mode.
    [D] 13:48:14 - [StuckResolver] done.



  6. 1st problem:
    So in Northrend/outland, when I use Grinding profile or sometimes quester. The bot doesn't fly above the ground, it uses fly mount but literally walking on the ground. Automaton already flies with specific distance relative to the ground which is AMAZING! but I am not sure why not implement the same thing for other profiles ?   The problem with flying to the ground causes MANY troubles, one of them is when the bot try to fly above water, it will try to move inside the water (But it is mounted), which is why it cannot penetrate the water. Then, it creates a stuck problem and looks 500% bot trying to fly into the water. Pathing issue is really frustrating and unreliable.

    EDIT: I would like to add to the first issue, when its using fly mount, it will try to use Ground mount route!!! Which look really strange for a person flying.  It should go from point A --> F but since it is taking ground mount path, it will try to go from A-->B-->C-->D-->F.  You get my point ? It will not go straight to where it should be, it will take ground mount path ?

    2nd problem:
    Normal players, or at least 90% of normal players will have in-game option (auto dismount), which means that they will dismount upon firing an ability! NOT dismount first > then use ability. For example, druid trying to herb something and mobs stops him. Druid cancels flight form ---> goes into human form 2 seconds---> then finally go into cat form. This really looks bad and looks like a bot. How it should be ??? Flight Form ---> Cat form. No need to click dismount then attack, if bot attempt to attack it will dismount automatically.

  7. Hi,

    Since I have no knowledge of coding to create a plugin that does the things I want, and since Party follow is quite bottish, I came up with a way to follow my main character just like a multiboxer and wanted to share it with you all.

    First of all, how did this method help me? Well, I was manually playing on a tank to clear dungeons while having the rest behind me run with wRobot as healers. I did not want them to attack at all. So my 2 main goals was use in-game follow and focus on healing only.

    Now how did I do this?
    1- I created a simple xml fight class with only healing spells
    2- added this macro into my fight class


    RunMacroText("/focus NAME");
    RunMacroText("/follow focus");

    Type in the character name that you wish to follow in place of "NAME"
    3- I added a 5 seconds CD to press this macro so that it does not spam it every second.
    4- I added condition Me In combat = false so that the bot only click this outside combat. Keep in mind that you need to be in follow distance with your main character.

    Now I used wRotation as my profile and I disabled all settings except (Manage Character movement ON)
    If you have a ranged class that you wish for it to attack, maybe you should enable (attack all selected targets)
    Finally, make sure you enable (Help party members) in your wRobot settings in order for them to attack/heal.

    There are some drawbacks for this and there could be a way around them. The biggest draw back is if you have 2 or more of the same class, they will not cast the same spells at the same time because each one is on different instance.


  8. Quote

    21:13:22 - [Mount] Dismount
    21:13:22 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:24 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:28 - [Mount] Dismount
    21:13:28 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:29 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:34 - [Mount] Dismount
    21:13:35 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:39 - [Mount] Dismount
    21:13:40 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:41 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:46 - [Mount] Dismount
    21:13:47 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:48 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:52 - [Mount] Dismount
    21:13:52 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:54 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:13:59 - [Mount] Dismount
    21:14:00 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:14:01 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:14:10 - [Mount] Dismount
    21:14:11 - [Mount] Dismount
    21:14:11 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:14:12 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Great Brown Kodo
    21:14:19 - [Mount] Dismount
    21:14:19 - [Mount] Dismount

    Everything work fine, but randomly this happens. I stop the bot and run it again, it work normal. I don't know why

  9. 2 hours ago, Ordush said:

    First of all, it's quite a necro post but I will however still add this.
    NEVER use the client downloaded from a servers site on that same server. It's very likely that the server has installed some kind of anti-cheat into the client they are hosting.

    The last part with the hang-up that is because of a bad profile, if you make your profiles go too high in the air over a herb it will try to get to the herb by flying in a 180 degree line, which is not possible, so it will get offset by 1 degree, which will make the bot turn it around, which will repeat itself. This is how the last video happens.
    So if you want it NOT to do that, go closer to the herb so it doesn't fly in a 180 degree line directly down to the herb. ?

    My client is from warmane themselves but I downloaded it about 5 years ago. Thats a good point though, might try to find a client from different server and use it on warmane.

  10. I am writing a fight class in C# and got it to cast revive on dead party members but it will spam it.

    This is what I used


                                    if (p.IsValid && p.IsDead)
                                        SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn("Revive", p.Name);

    Btw, huge thanks to @Sye for taking his time to show me around on how to write a fight class in C# I am very grateful

  11. 10 minutes ago, Matenia said:

    That's not how pathing works. If you want a forced path, either use follow path in quester or add a forced off mesh. 


    It makes no sense to add a path where there isn't one because people take a shortcut. You're breaking the system that way

    how do I do a forced off mesh ? any tutorial out there about it that you know of?

    and if its possible to add forced mesh,  then its possible to make the change the path within the bot, correct? its just that everyone goes that way 100% of the time. Its like in Gundarak where people jump into the water after killing bosses. Nobody takes the regular path at all.

  12. hi,

    This is request for @Droidz if possible to improve level 70-80 dungeon path ? In some dungeons, people skip some parts of the dungeon and they take a short cut by jumping from a cliff.

    For example, in the dungeon called "The nexus" see the video below between minute 2:28 and 2:33

    Instead of going with regular path, the player usually skip killing these mobs and jump. The problem now if I use party follow, bot will take regular path and pull all mobs. Can the bot be improved to follow/jump from the cliff ? There are other dungeons too, I can bring a list if needed.


  13. Hi

    When I create grinding profile, there are 3 things that bothers me.

    1- If I add mob by accident, there is no option to delete the mob. I have to create the profile again! (as far as I can see)

    2- mobs are only listed with ID only. So, if I add a mob by accident, I dont know which mob it is. It would be nice to add the name as well.

    3- Mob list is very small and cant be extended, So if I add 4 mobs or more, I have to scroll through a tiny list. It would be great to be able to extend the list so I can see them all.


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