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Posts posted by pill3

  1. Is it possible to instance farm with your own group?

    How do i sync all characters to leave the instance to reset it. Also if one characters bag is full he can't just leave the instance to sell items.

    Im pretty sure it will be a few conflicts here.


    Thanks in advance!

  2. 22 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, try to disable your addons, can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).

    I did try to disable all my addons It may help a bit. 

    But the cause of death is when wrobot attack a mob and kills it, wrobot won't swim to get air before attacking the next target. Also wrobot won't wait to regain hp in water as he does on land. My setting is eat below 75%. 


    Two log files from two characters.



    19 jul 2018 18H40.log.html

    19 jul 2018 18H40 - pbDS.log.html

  3. Hello again,


    Safety talk: 

    The bot itself is really flawless with the right settings depending on what your goal is to achive.

    But next big thing in my opinion should be safety because no chain is stronger than its weakest link, Wrobot can be flawless as a bot but to a other player some things can look wierd.  

    I love the "Pause bot if nearby Player" setting it really useful, also a few addons which I found by scanning the forum. 


    However I think a few things should be added, for example " A spell or command which should be executed when the bot its about to pause because of a "player nearby"". As a rogue that could be stealth, or just a logout, it cant be hard to add that.


    Do you have any ideas to make Wrobot more safe?

    Also, how are your setup to make sure of maximum safety 



  4. Hello again,

    I can't solve these problems, thats why I ask pro's here on the forum. 

    Consumables - bot eat and drinks due to the setting in advanced setting. But wont create own food and water, look at the prictures to see the fightclass.

    Sheep - I would like to make the bot sheep one target if there is two mobs attacking, but i dont know where to start on that one. However it should be a spell condition i guess.


    Im quite new on wrobot, got to start somewhere!

    Thanks in advance!






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