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  1. Sorry, might have stated that wrong. I'd like to keep track of time wihtin a quester profile, like getting start time at the beginning of the profile, then doing stuff and checking at the end how much time has passed.
  2. Hey there, is it possible to somehow keep track of how much time has passed in a quester profile?
  3. Hey, got a problem with a dungeon profile: The "corpse" is before the dungeon portal and not behind it when dying inside. Because of this the bot will stand in front of the dungeon and try to resurrect. Is it possible to modify this in any way? Or even set a custom path? (Becaus in this case the "resurrect path would always be the same)
  4. Thanks, will try! Edit: Working perfectly now, thanks! Used this snippet: Fight.StopFight(); MovementManager.StopMove(); Products.InPause = true; while((!SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Vanish")) && (!SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Preparation"))) { Thread.Sleep(3000); } Products.InPause = false;
  5. Hey, can't find a solution for this: I want my fightclass to stop doing anything/waiting actively if Vanish and Preparation are both on cooldown. So far I tried this as C# function with both condtions, out of combat and highest priority: Fight.StopFight(); MovementManager.StopMove(); Thread.Sleep(5000); My idea was that the bot will wait 5s over and over again until the conditions are no longer met, but he still continues moving after this even though the log says he is perfoming "Thread.Sleep(5000)" Suggestions or other solutions for this?
  6. Thanks, tried PickupCointainerItem already but not working, seems like its a click + drag.
  7. Hi there, been trying to get a custom code snippet that will open all my junkboxes in inventory. Tried this so far: Lua.LuaDoString("CastSpellByName('Pick Lock')"); ItemsManager.UseItem(16883); Usefuls.WaitIsCastingAndLooting(); ItemsManager.UseItem(16883); The problem here is though that "UseItem" will cast a rightclick, but to use Pick Lock I need a left click on the Junkbox. Anyone got a good idea how to solve this?
  8. Deleted Settings, now running on default ones and got the plugin active, bot is still running agaist rocks/walls of Thorium Point when trying to get to the repair. 24 Sep 2018 12H10.log.html
  9. Added log (the cirtical/stucking section is at the end)
  10. Hey, got constantly issues with several profiles when leveling in searing gorge. Everytime the bot is in "ToTown" state and wants to move up to Thorium Point he will run against the rocks/walls in front of Thorium Point endless. He won't take the path up and when I manually walk him up he seems to have problems finding the NPCs up there. I tested this with multiple profiles and my pathing is always working fine in all other regions except this area around Thorium Point. Any suggestions? 24 Sep 2018 09H57.log.html
  11. Thanks! Will take a deeper look at this
  12. Hey, got some issues when trying to get die ID or name of bags that are currently equipped. Does this return the id of the bag in slot 1? When testing with dev tools I only got some large int numbers, seemed like adresses or wow internal ids. uint bag1 = ObjectManager.Me.GetEquipedItemBySlot(wManager.Wow.Enums.InventorySlot.CONTAINER_BAG_OFFSET_1); Any way to get from this adress to the wow id of the bag or at least the name? Or anyone has a better idea how to get ids or currently equipped bags? Thanks in advance!
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